Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Phony Prince Michael of Majorca

Wifey and I would like to extend our heartiest congratulations to "Princess" Kylie. I'm sure the best part of winning the second season of Australian Princess for this lucky young woman is that she can henceforth choose to be known (and insist that she be referred to) simply as "Princess Kylie" if she so chooses ... and can at long last discard the surname that has no doubt haunted her all her life.

(Which is 'Booby'. Yes, really.)

Unfortunately for her, Network Ten has again been caught in a lie by a member of my immediate family. This time, it was Wifey whose eagle eyes have led to Network Ten's latest undoing.

Have you seen the commercials where the man in his bathroom is sticking a cotton bud (for Americans: a cotton bud is a "Q-tip") in his ear, only to have a giant version of same start pushing him around the room? If not, you can watch it for yourself here. Take a good long look at the actor. It's this man:

So-called "undercover prince" Michael. His bio on the show's official website reads thus:

Prince Michael Sapieha’s lineage is one the oldest Royal bloodlines in Europe and were instrumental in shaping the Poland we know today. Consequently, the Sapieha family were granted a principality, and therefore Prince Michael holds the royal title.

Their role as landowners and royal guardians evolved in more recent centuries to one of political and religious influence.

Following the footsteps of his landowner ancestors, Prince Michael is a successful property developer who divides his time between London and Majorca. Passionate on the subject of his homeland and ancestry, he still finds the time between regal life and work life to pursue his one true love: painting. He is currently putting together a landscape exhibition, to open in late 2006.


He's an English actor they hired to play a prince. And it makes sense, when you think about it. What self-respecting royal would actually participate in a reality TV show from the colonies that claims to prove how a group of commoners can be 'taught' the art of being royalty in the space of eight weeks?!

The Offending Items:
How DARE a cotton bud assault
HRH The Prince of Nothing!
Guards! Take them away!

Network Ten have been caught in another lie ... or perhaps the answer to the above question is actually that the sort of royal who'd partake in a reality TV show is one who's down on their luck and even trying to make ends meet by acting in television commercials. It's always possible that the ad in question is a European ad which purposely shows Prince Michael Sapieha being shoved around his bathroom by an oversized novelty prop. We all do desperate things to enable us to continue living in the style to which we're accustomed, after all. I know that certainly when my family jewels were under threat, nothing on God's green Earth could have prevented me from doing whatever was necessary to keep them firmly attached. Even if it meant being jabbed in the gut by a large plastic toy. So who am I to judge.

Well, I'll tell you who: I AM BEVIS!

Either Network Ten has been discovered trying to deceive the Australian public about the supposed 'royal heritage' of their "undercover prince", or it was a very half-arsed prince to begin with.



At Wednesday, October 10, 2007 6:15:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This so called prince reminds me of an ear ache in both ears for soem reason. Ouch...Now it is really starting to hurt thinking about it...
Stephanie Bolliger
Findlay, Ohio

At Sunday, October 21, 2007 10:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

firstly chap he is polish, NOT english secondly, fergie was in FRIENDS do you doubt her status. so what if he wants to work for living if you knew anything about the polish economy you'd understand. frankly you should get your facts straight before shooting your mouth off

At Monday, November 12, 2007 3:19:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He is a Prince and he does come from a legimate aristocratic Polish family, How do I know I hear you ask, well he is my cousin and my family background from my Mothers side is Siemienska and my Grandmother was a Broel-Plater.
So before slating somebody because of what they do now, get your facts straight. Nikki


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