Monday, May 28, 2007

All Hayl The BB Nickhead

First things first - last Monday, Big Brother surprised the House by announcing that one half of the couple had to go. And Andrew & Hayley had to decided which of them it would be.


Hayley chose to sign her own dead warrant (as it were - no offense, Emma ... oh, that's right, you haven't heard yet, have you), which meant that Andrew would be the one hanging around.

I think it would have been great if BB had given them the choice of who'd stay and who'd go, and then reverse whatever decision they made (ie. tell Andrew that he was evicted, rather than Hayley). but apparently I think up twists that are too good for this show, so I'd better just keep my ideas to myself.

Anyway, Tuesday night Hayley was evicted, Aleisha celebrated her 21st birthday, and two new Housemates were sent in. It was a busy hour of BB TV.

I purposely held on to Hayley's eviction until today, so I could show both evictees together (seeing they didn't share the eviction stage until last night anyway).

It's probably not the popular opinion, but personally I thought Hayley and Andrew got a raw deal at the hands of Demet, Bodie, Emma and so on. It appears that Andrew and Emma are getting along okay now, but who knows if it'll last. Hayley got into a big fight with Bodie, which brought Andrew in on it too, and that unrest stuck around for the duration of Bodie's time in the House (and his week of interviews in the real world thereafter).

I'm not sure that Andrew & Hayley deserved what they got. Sure, they may have seemed boring after the first week when their secret was revealed, but that's partly because BB talked up their 'secret' so much that anything that followed the revelation was going to feel like an anti-climax. No one else was very exciting, either (except perhaps for Tornado TJ and Bonehead Bodie, but look where being 'exciting' got them!).

"Don't Call Me Fake, Dude."

I can understand why the show's producers would feel that the couple would have a kind of monopoly on the House, but I don't really agree that evicting one of them outside the normal eviction procedure is fair. And here's why:

1. The voting audience is meant to choose their favourite Housemate to win. Robbing them of the chance to evict Hayley (or save her) is undercutting this supposed public decision (regardless of whether you think she would have won the show or not).

2. The producers knew what might happen, monopoly-wise, when they decided to put both of them in the House in the first place. Pulling the rug out from under them and saying one had to go regardless of nominations and voting results is unfair by definition.

3. I don't believe they had any kind of monopoly, anyway. Anyone who won Friday Night Games was able to put either of them up for nomination if they wanted to, and the idea that they'd save themselves from being put up for eviction by winning the Games is stupid - they can only save ONE person, so if they were both in the top three on Nomination night, Andrew (for example) would have to choose EITHER himself OR Hayley to save. Then it'd be up to the public to vote out who they most wanted gone from the three who were nominated. Their 'couplehood' could have been broken by the Housemates themselves, if they'd realised this and voted for both of them. Or maybe there was no need to because only Bodie and Demet appear to have had a problem with them. That probably says something in itself about whether or not they 'deserved' to be evicted.

There are also rumours going around about Hayley having planned all along to come out of the House by a certain week (if she hadn't already been evicted) so she could attend her sister's wedding in Spain (or something like that). I'm not sure if that's true, but if it is ... was the whole 'discussion' on which of them should fall on their sword just a well-executed act? And does that mean Andrew's tears on Monday night were crocodile tears? If so, DODGY! But maybe not, so I won't judge.

Last night we finally saw the end of whingey know-it-all, Nick - the Starburst Golden Key Winner who was a real let-down, as far as drama was concerned. He promised Gretel and the audience on the stage (and then the Housemates, once he was in the House) that he would 'definitely' speak his mind and cause some trouble. How often have we heard these claims before?! But alas, he did practically nothing to ruffle any feathers, and instead seemed to care more about protecting his own neck rather than make good on his promise.


Even once he was nominated, he was heard telling some Housemates that if he survived this week's eviction, he'd tell Emma what he thought of her and really let the 'real him' come out.


I couldn't understand why he didn't do this the moment he realised he was being shy and reserved. Maybe the voting public wouldn't have voted you out if you'd been a bit more interesting, chum! (Although, look at TJ and Bodie ...)

From Golden Key Winner to Golden Key Whinger.

Without trying to be mean (it just comes naturally, yuk yuk), look at that photo of him. Can't you see a certain element of rat or meerkat to his facial features? He certainly has a kind of rodent quality, for mine. (Okay, so that was probably being just plain uncalled-for mean.)

It's clear that the fool shouldn't have tried to go from "a pack-a-day man" to "a quit cold-turkey turkey" without preparation. I know he had nicotine patches in there with him (I spotted them on his arm on a few occasions), but that wasn't enough to stave off the accusations of whinging. He should have realised he'd be taken to task for his constant complaining and done something about it, so he gets no sympathy from me.

However, his farewell message (although much milder than they all made it out to be) was still the most controversial in quite a while - certainly the best of this season so far.

Let's hope others will shake the House up a bit by leaving farewell messages that have a bit of 'kick'.



At Friday, June 08, 2007 2:27:00 PM, Blogger Melba said...

i'm glad nick's gone. he was boring, a whinger and a real downer, man. while laura is also pretty negative, at least she's pretty to watch. and i think she's just young and means well.

At Friday, June 08, 2007 2:42:00 PM, Blogger BEVIS said...

I'd call you to task about judging someone on purely superficial grounds (Laura's okay because she's pretty, you say?!?), but after my 'rodent' comment, above, I'm clearly not one to talk.

As you were.


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