Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Gimme Back My Sci-Fi!

I'm getting angrier and angrier with Network Ten. First it was the typos. Then it was getting me hooked on Big Brother and Australian Idol. And now they've been repeatedly advertising the start of a show I've been looking forward to for months, only to replace it at the last minute with re-runs of new series Tripping Over.

That's right, each new episode of Tripping Over airs on Wednesday evenings, and then is repeated again - for no apparent reason other than it mustn't be faring too well in the ratings (check the ridiculous amounts of advertising it's getting and the shameless-and-extensive plug on Rove Live last night) - just four days later, after the Sunday night movie. And this is despite TV Week listing the series return of The 4400 in that spot. For three weeks running.

Every Sunday night I've been tuning in to watch the season opener of this show I actually quite enjoy (despite it apparently having links to Scientology, according to some - I don't care about that, though ... it's the stories that have me hooked). And every Sunday night I've been disappointed to see that the only thing I've been waiting up for is a show I already watched a few days earlier! Get stuffed, Ten! If I wanted to watch Tripping Over again, I'd record it the first time it was on!

TV Week, meanwhile, has been advertising the first half of the two-part season premiere for three separate weeks now (the first week Network Ten screened a 'recap' of seasons one and two as a reminder of the ongoing storylines instead of the premiere episode; since then they've screened Tripping Over repeats), and then last week TV Week was advertising Part 2 (not to mention spoiling the plot, due to Part 1 still not actually being screened yet!). Until this week, The 4400 was listed on Ten's website as one of its shows, and could still be found by searching the site for the title. But now all mention of it has been removed.

What gives? If Tripping Over is doing so poorly, you're not making any friends or finding new viewers by re-screening the episodes late on Sunday nights! You're just losing viewers for the show you're shafting. If they based The 4400's "ratings potential" on the viewers they got for the recap episode a few weeks ago, they're total morons. Fans of the show didn't need to watch that again, so it was a waste of their time and would have tuned out. Also, if you want people to watch, it might be an idea to actually advertise on the TV that the series is returning. Don't rely on people to read it in TV guides alone. (And better yet - when it IS advertised, flippin' show it!!)

A similar (but not identical) problem has been dished out to another Network Ten late-night science fiction series: The new version of Battlestar Galactica.

It's not as dorky as it might sound; it's actually very good writing. Unfortunately, it mustn't have been doing very well in the ratings department either, because episodes of Joker Poker suddenly replaced it - without fanfare or informing TV Week - when it was mid-season.


There's nothing I hate more than TV stations treating shows - and fans of those shows - with such utter contempt and disregard. Speaking personally, it's a sure-fire way of turning me against the network in question. I don't need to be continually let down when I'm looking forward to watching a show that is suddenly taken away from me like that. Forget that!

Network Ten? If you don't stop stuffing me around like this, I'm going to boycott you. And when I boycott something, it stays boycotted.

I boycotted Red Rooster and The Pancake Parlour in 1993 due to extremely poor service on two separate occasions, and I've never been back since. I also tell the stories of that poor service I received at both places to anyone who'll listen whenever the topic comes up, and when eating in groups, my refusal to eat at either place often results in those restaurants losing out on a large group booking. Don't tell me it doesn't hurt their public profile - it does. And I'll do the same to Network Ten on this blog and in my general life if the network continues to treat me like crap.

David Mott? You HAVE been WARNED.

"Sir, yes sir!"



At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 11:32:00 PM, Blogger jdbauer said...

Are you kidding? Battlestar Galactaca was great! With the Cylons? Remember Buck Rogers with Gil Gerard and Erin Grey? And what about my all time favorite, Quantum Leap?

At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 11:34:00 PM, Blogger jdbauer said...

Oh...I missed the "new version" description. I'm sure it's good too.

I remember Alien Nation, the TV they just ended the series abruptly without wrapping up the story.

At Wednesday, November 08, 2006 11:34:00 PM, Blogger Jellyfish said...

I was under the impression that Tripping Over was 'rating it's tits off'. I don't know why they repeat things. Maybe so people who didn't try it the first time (because they thought it would be poo, like 87% of local industry product) could catch up once they'd heard the good buzz.

I've long given up on watching commerical tv. DVD, BEVIS! Someone must have The 4400 or Gallactica on DVD. Snaffle it off them and gorge yourself on multiple epsiodes in a row. Ahh.

At Thursday, November 09, 2006 2:45:00 PM, Blogger Adam said...

Mr 10, if Bevis boycotts, then I'll boycott.

At Sunday, November 12, 2006 8:18:00 PM, Blogger Riss said...

I'm glad that your boycott of The Pancake Parlour didn't extend to 1994 and beyond.

Where else would we have had those ridiculous get-togethers?? Red Rooster just doesn't have the same ambience...

At Sunday, November 12, 2006 8:48:00 PM, Blogger BEVIS said...

Collective Heartburn, welcome! You're a fan of Quantum Leap?! That show ROCKED! I think I've found a friend for life.

Jellyfish, I've since discovered that your impression is correct. Maybe they actually see it as a double-ratings-spinner if people will watch it again? They must simply have given up on the sci-fi show it has now replaced. Bugg'rit. As for 'snaffling' them on DVD from someone I know, I wouldn't be able to think of anyone who'd own them. But I'll keep my eyes open and do as you suggest the very first chance I get. :)

Adam, thanks for standing by me.

Riss, hmm. You've reminded me of our Pancake Parlour meetings from '94 to '96, and inadvertently or subtly/intentionally, you've forced me to re-check my facts. Yes, I used to attend The Pancake Parlour during those years. I remember now that I only laid down The Pancake Parlour's boycott in 1997. (I was thinking of the right group of friends with whom I administered the boycott, but the wrong years of hanging out with them in which it happened.) Thank you for your assistance with this matter. :)

At Tuesday, November 28, 2006 8:27:00 AM, Blogger jdbauer said...

Oh yeah...that multiple episode when Sam and Al switch. I enjoyed when he was Elvis too, though I never bought the drag ones.


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