Monday, November 27, 2006

Today Tonight The World; Tomorrow Obscurity

Naomi Robson, that much-plagued host of Channel Seven's current affairs program, Today Tonight, announced live on air earlier this evening that this Friday would be the last time she'd sit in the hosting chair of the successful show.

It came as no surprise to anyone who's had even the slightest idea of what's been going on in TV-land over the past few weeks. This was the most obvious 'shock-announcement' I've heard since Hi-5 revealed they had decided against taking on a sixth member.

An article on her resignation (which includes a few of her more risqué problems with the media in the past year) can be found here. If you're up for a laugh, this video is a pretty hilarious collection of 'outtakes' from the set of the show. You're a very silly girl, Naomi. You should always assume the cameras are still rolling - because they obviously are!

"Thanks for watching Seven.
It's appreciated. cough-bullsh!t"

And that's nothing compared to the extremely 'blue' diatribe caught on tape of her swearing her head off. There's a tonne of bad language ahead, folks. You have been warned. [Whoa, Nelly!]

Maybe it's not such a bad thing that she's heading off to 'greener pastures' (some reports indicate that she wants to become Australia's answer to Oprah, fronting her own daytime talk show), but strange as it may seem, she's somewhat of an Aussie TV icon all the same. It'll alsmot feel strange to see evening television without her.

But for obvious reasons, my personal favourite current affairs host will always be Tacky Grimface.



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