Saturday, September 30, 2006

Big Blogger - Final Week, Part 2

[Theme music is heard: "Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, DUM!"]

Mike: [Voice over] Welcome to Big Blogger! Please welcome your host, Feral Killmen!

[The audience swallows its tongue in desire as Feral walks out onto stage.]

Feral: Thank you Mike, hello everybody! Hello and welcome to Big Blogger – The Final Week, Part 2. Things have really been heating up in the House today after Sublime-ation’s shocking surprise eviction last night! Everyone’s just a little bit on edge since they realized they’re all up for eviction together, and tempers have been frayed. As I explained last night, these mini editions of Big Blogger come to you half pre-recorded. The eviction has actually already happened, just ten minutes ago, and the evicted Housemate is standing in the wings here, waiting to come on stage. That’s just to save us some time as they make their way up from the House. So let’s have a look at the footage of what went down in the House when tonight’s evictee was announced just moments ago!

[Cut to video footage of the House. The Housemates are all seated on the couch in the lounge. They are scowling at each other. No one seems to be in a good mood.]

Enny: Just back off, Mars!

Mars: You don’t have to be such a <BEEP>, Enny.

Enny: I wasn’t! I was only trying to make everyone some tea!

MelbourneGirl: [Grumpily] Should have left the tea-making to the professionals

Mars: You used my special tea! The stuff I paid for and brought in with me! Now it’s all gone!

Enny: And I said I’m sorry! I had no idea you’d brought in any stupid tea!

Mars: Oh, you did so. You’re just trying to piss me off.

Enny: If I was trying to piss you off, I’d have said how well you suited your Gonzo costume last week.

Gav: Will you girls just shut up?

Enny & Mars: Shut up yourself!

Javatari: I do not think that this is serving any purpose …

Pomgirl: Oh, go saw yourself in half, ya freak.

Feral: [Appearing suddenly on the TV screen] Hello, House.

Housemates: Oh, great! / Here we go / <BEEP>! / Let’s just get this over with / etc.

Feral: It sounds like there’s some tension brewing!

[The Housemates are non-responsive.]

Feral: Mars and Enny, you guys have been inseparable the whole time you’ve been in the House – but clearly now something has happened to upset the apple cart.

Mars: Enny’s a thief and a liar.

Enny: WHAT?!

Feral: Alright, that’s enough. Maybe you two need to work this out between yourselves later on. Hopefully neither of you gets evicted tonight and you’ll be able to sort out your differences after the eviction. If one of you does get evicted tonight, however … you’ll have to wait until Big Blogger finishes before you see each other again.

Mars: Good. I hope one of us is evicted.

[There is an awkward silence following that spiteful outburst.]

Feral: Anyway, good luck to everyone. I’m being handed the envelope now.

[The Housemates grumble under their breath.]

Feral: It’s time to go … [Camera pans across the Housemates’ faces extremely slowly.] It’s time to go, Pomgirl!

[The audience gasps. The Housemates react in surprise and shock.]

Pomgirl: [Standing up.] Son of a <BEEP>!

[The other Housemates stand up to hug Pomgirl good-bye.]

MelbourneGirl: Oh well, it’s been great getting to know you.

Pomgirl: Yeah. At times you guys were great, too. [They hug.]

Magical_M: See ya, Pomgirl. You made us laugh heaps.

Pomgirl: Yeah, that’s because I’m really funny. [They hug.]

Gav: Have a drink tonight for me, okay?

Pomgirl: Nah, I’ll be too busy drinking for myself! [They hug.]

Mars: [Calming down] Sorry to be arguing like that on your last night in here, Pomgirl.

Pomgirl: You just need to be easier to live with – like I am. [They hug.]

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Pomgirl, you have been avicted. You have ten seconds to leave the House.

Pomgirl: That guy is such a tosser!

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Pomgirl, for calling Big Blogger ‘a tosser’, that’s a five thousand dollar fine.

Pomgirl: What do I care, now?!

Magical_M: Big Blogger! That’s not fair!

Javatari: Fare thee well, Pomgirl.

Pomgirl: I don’t understand you at all, and I think you’re very, very weird. Good-bye. [They hug.]

Enny: Have a great time out there.

Pomgirl: Well of course I will! I’ll be getting prizes! [They hug.]

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Pomgirl, you have been avicted. You must leave the House ammediately.

Pomgirl: Good! [She walks up to the Diary Room door, which opens for her. She steps through the doorway and the door closes behind her, with the Housemates waving and calling out to her.]

[Cut back to Feral on stage.]

Feral: So that’s what happened just a few minutes ago. And now here she is: Pomgirl!

[Audience performs a moonwalk as Pomgirl enters the stage, waving at everyone.]

Pomgirl: Hello Feral.

Feral: Hi Pomgirl. Wow, you really are a pocket rocket, aren’t you!

Pomgirl: I don’t understand what that means.

Feral: Oh, it means that you may be small, but you’re feisty!

Pomgirl: [Rolling her eyes] Then why don’t you just say that? Honestly, you Aussies have far too many slang expressions. You should learn how to speak all proper like me.

Feral: Sure, we’ll take that on board. Okay, you’re going to be on Uplate with Mike Goldentonsils tonight, …

Pomgirl: Who?

Feral: Mike Goldentonsils. He’s the Big Blogger voice-over artist and he hosts Friday Night Live and Uplate and the new meerkat show …

Pomgirl: Never heard of him.

Feral: Well, you wouldn’t have, would you. You’re from another country.

Pomgirl: But I’ve heard of some Australian celebrities …

Feral: Oh yes? Like whom?

Pomgirl: [Correcting her] "Like who". [She shakes her head at Feral condemningly, then takes a breath before continuing.] Like Steve Irwin, Peter Brock, Sally’s brother James Brayshaw and The Muppets, for one.

Feral: For “one”?

Pomgirl: Yes. And then there’s The Crocodile Dundee Hunter, the guy who created that Internet search engine … what was his name … oh yeah; Yahoo Serious, and … um … Germaine Green.

Feral: Do you mean Germaine Greer?

Pomgirl: No.

[Pause. You can hear crickets chirping outside.]

Feral: Anyway, you’ll be on Uplate with Mike, so good luck to him.

Pomgirl: Thanks!

Feral: And here are your prizes!

Pomgirl: This is what I’ve been waiting for!

Feral: Here you go … a T-shirt that says, “I went to Australia and all I got was ridiculed about Drop Bears” … and a jar of Vegemite.

Pomgirl: [Her face burning with outright anger] YOU <BEEP>ING WHAT?!?

[The Big Blogger Ninja hobbles out on his crutches to hold Pomgirl back from physically attacking Feral.]

Feral: [As the Ninja forcibly removes a struggling and spluttering Pomgirl from the stage] Let’s hear it for Evictee Number Fifteen, Pomgirl!

[Audience cheers merrily as Pomgirl disappears into the wings, kicking and screaming all the way.]

Feral: So that’s Part 2 of Big Blogger’s Final Week down. Tomorrow we’ll have Part 3. Who’ll be evicted then?? I’m Feral Killmen, and you’re reading Big Blogger … where the Housemates are coming out of the House faster than a series of very fast things indeed! Good night!

[Audience cheers and toasts Feral for all her fine work.]

Mike: [Voice over] I don’t think anyone reads this bit, so I’ll just say this: Buffy rocks! Remember, you need to vote for the House you want to imagine; not the House you’d want to live in. I’m Mike Goldentonsils.

[Theme music: "Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, DUM!"]

Mike: [Voice over] Big Blogger is brought to you by InYourDreamsWorld; the home of Big Blogger.

* * *


Friday, September 29, 2006

Big Blogger - Final Week, Part 1

[Theme music is heard: "Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, DUM!"]

Mike: [Voice over] Welcome to Big Blogger! Please welcome your host, Feral Killmen!

[The audience is on its feet and mine as Feral walks out onto stage.]

Feral: Thank you Mike, hello everybody! Hello and welcome to Big Blogger – The Final Week, Part 1. This is it, folks. There’s no going back now. We’re going to be seeing a series of mini Big Blogger episodes popping up this week, and one of our Housemates is going to be evicted each night until we have just three left for the Grand Finale next Friday!

[Audience goes feral. But not the one on stage.]

Feral: The only other thing you need to know is that we’ve pre-recorded the eviction to save time getting the evictee up to the stage to join me. Tonight’s evictee is already waiting in the wings, so let’s have a look at what happened in the House just ten minutes ago and see who tonight’s evictee is!

[Cut to video footage of the House. The Housemates are all seated on the couch in the lounge. They are relaxed and happy; clearly they have no idea what is in store.]

Mars: I wonder if I’ve got time to run to the loo.

Enny: I wouldn’t, if I were you. This probably won’t take long. I bet he just wants to tell us what our weekly task is this week.

Pomgirl: Wrong day.

Gav: I wish he’d hurry up; I’m hungry!

MelbourneGirl: I’ll make you a cup of tea after.

Gav: I said I’m hungry.

Sublime-ation: I wonder how much longer we’re gonna be waiting here.

Pomgirl: Knowing him, probably for ages yet.

Big Blogger: Housemates.

Housemates: Whoa! / At last! / Oh, hurray / Bugger / etc.

Big Blogger: Big Blogger has called you all to the lounge for a special announcement. [Pause while the Housemates look at each other uncertainly.] You already know there will be no more editions of Friday Night Live. But what you don’t yet know is that there will also be no more weekly tasks. There will be no more chores. And there will be no more nominations. [The Housemates cheer.] Housemates. From this moment on, all Housemates are up for aviction. [The Housemates react in shock at this news.] There could be an aviction at any time. There will be no warning when an aviction is about to take place. You will simply be called to the couch. You will have no time to pack your belongings. Your fellow Housemates will pack your belongings for you and bring them to the Diary Room after you have been avicted. The only way you will know if it is time for an aviction is when Feral appears on the TV screen in the lounge and says, ‘Hello House’. Do you understand?

Housemates: [Still in shock] Yes Big Blogger / Yeah / Uh-huh / Sure / etc.

Big Blogger: That is all.

Magical_M: Wow! We must be really close to the end!

Enny: No way! There’s still eight of us left!

Mars: That doesn’t seem to matter, they can do whatever they want.

Javatari: I am not too surprised at this turn of events, but I must say that the suddenness of the next few evictions will surely rattle us around like a rat in a cage.

Sublime-ation: Or a dove in a pants pocket.

Javatari: That’s just like a rat in a cage.

Sublime-ation: … only crunchy.

MelbourneGirl: Maybe we should all go and pack our stuff up so it’s easier for the rest of us to take it to the Diary Room after we’re gone?

Gav: Yeah, we can just live out of our suitcases for the rest of the show.

Pomgirl: Okay, let’s go. [They begin to stand.]

Feral: [Appearing suddenly on the TV screen] Hello, House.

Housemates: Ahh! / Oh no! / <BEEP>! / Buggerbuggerbugger / etc.

Feral: How are you this evening?

Pomgirl: Is it an eviction right now?

Feral: It sure is.

Enny: Oh, crap!

Gav: That’s evil.

Feral: [Laughing] So are you ready?

Magical_M: No!

Feral: I’m being handed the envelope now …

Pomgirl: Are you kidding?! This is so not fair!

Feral: Good luck, everyone.

[The Housemates grumble to themselves.]

Feral: It’s time to go … [Camera pans across the Housemates’ faces extremely slowly.] It’s time to go, Sublime-ation!

[The audience gasps. The Housemates react in surprise and shock.]

Sublime-ation: [Standing up.] I knew it. Aww, man – that sucks!

[The other Housemates stand up to hug Sublime-ation good-bye.]

Mars: We’ll see you really soon, by the sound of it!

Sublime-ation: Maybe so! [They hug.]

Enny: Sorry about that, Subby.

Sublime-ation: Yeah, no worries. [They hug.]

Gav: Have a great time at your own special little party!

Sublime-ation: Oh, I will! [They hug.]

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Sublime-ation, you have been avicted. You have ten seconds to leave the House.

Sublime-ation: Yeah, hang on!

MelbourneGirl: See ya later, babe.

Sublime-ation: Absolutely. Thanks for all the cups of tea! [They hug.]

Magical_M: Thanks for bringing so much fun into the House!

Sublime-ation: Aw, thanks. [They hug.]

Pomgirl: Good-bye.

Sublime-ation: Bye. [They hug.]

Javatari: Fare thee well.

Sublime-ation: Thanks. See ya. [They hug.]

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Sublime-ation, you have been avicted. You must leave the House ammediately.

Sublime-ation: Yep. [She walks up to the Diary Room door, which opens for her. She steps through the doorway and the door closes behind her, with the Housemates waving and calling out to her.]

[Cut back to Feral on stage.]

Feral: So that’s what happened less than ten minutes ago. And now, here she is: Sublime-ation!

[Audience whoops for joy as Sublime-ation enters the stage, waving and smiling at everyone.]

Sublime-ation: Hello Feral.

Feral: Hi Sublime-ation. So tell me, what’s it like being evicted like that with no warning?

Sublime-ation: I kind of got a warning, though. The Executive Producer visited my blog and left a not-so-cryptic message about it.

Feral: Really? That’s weird. How were you checking your blog inside the House?

Sublime-ation: Oh, we have Internet access in there.

Feral: That’s pretty good!

Sublime-ation: Yeah, but instead of a computer or even an Internet fridge, the only terminal’s in the toilet.

Feral: I see. That’s why we’ve never known about it! Well, that gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘downloading a file’.

[The audience laughs and laughs – they love poo jokes.]

Sublime-ation: Very good!

Feral: Thanks. I thought that was a solid one.

Sublime-ation: [Looking at Feral askance] Are you still going?

Feral: Yep.

Sublime-ation: Okaaaaaay

Feral: [Sensing that she’s lost them] But I’ll stop now.

Sublime-ation: That’d be great.

Feral: Fair enough. Well, you’re going to be on Uplate with Mike Goldentonsils tonight.

Sublime-ation: Sounds great!

Feral: And I’ve decided to do away with the graphs, so you’ll never get to see those.

Sublime-ation: Sounds sensible.

Feral: So that just leaves the prizes!

Sublime-ation: Yay!

Feral: Here they are … a box of tissues … used … and a one hundred dollar voucher at Bunnings Warehouse. [For a moment, Sublime-ation looks impressed with this prize.]

Sublime-ation: [Looking at the back of the voucher] Um, it expired last year.

Feral: That’s why the guy who owned it was happy to give it away!

Sublime-ation: [Unimpressed] You guys rock.

Feral: Aw, thanks! Let’s hear it for Evictee Number Fourteen, Sublime-ation!

[Audience cheers merrily as Sublime-ation leaves the stage smiling and waving to everyone.]

Feral: So that’s Part 1 of Big Blogger’s Final Week. It shouldn’t take too long to speed through the rest of them, if they continue like this. See you tomorrow for Part 2. I’m off to join Sublime-ation at her party. I’m Feral Killmen, and you’re reading Big Blogger … where if someone doesn’t win this thing soon, I’m gonna strangle someone. Good night!

[Audience claps itself on the back for a job well done – not an easy thing to achieve, when you think about it.]

Mike: [Voice over] At last! We’re into the final stretch. Make your votes count. Remember, you need to vote for the House you want to imagine; not the House you’d want to live in. I’m Mike Goldentonsils.

[Theme music: "Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, DUM!"]

Mike: [Voice over] Big Blogger is brought to you by InYourDreamsWorld; the home of Big Blogger.

* * *


Thursday, September 28, 2006

Thank The Lord For Your Presence # 14

Last night's episode of Thank God You're Here (TGYH) was a ripper (that's Aussie slang for 'bonza').

The line-up this week continued the season two trend of having some guests who've been on the show before, and at least one newbie to get their feet wet. This week, the returning guests were Angus Sampson, Fifi Box and Bob Franklin, while the new victim guest was Tahir Bilgiç (from SBS's Pizza). You may also know Tahir from the comedy circuit - especially if you hail from Sydney - where he's quite famous for his Turkish-themed stand-up routines.

(Oh yeah ... host Shane Bourne and judge Tom Gleisner were also present.)

I was quite impressed with the show this week, and even Fifi (of whom I grew a bit tired last season) was good enough to make me smile. Not go crazy about, but certainly smile. I'd love to see her radio co-host Marty Sheargold give it a go. I think he'd be fabulous (or completely die on stage - either way, a top night out!). Bob's introduction by Shane made me laugh. When Shane asked him to tell us a little about his new movie, Boytown, Bob replied that he didn't know, really - he wasn't paying much attention.

Bob started us off with the first scene of the night, appearing in golfing gear, which was then thrown on its head a little when - instead of walking onto a fake golfing green - he entered an office, where two women were waiting for him. One woman greeted him by asking if he'd forgotten the appointment, to which he replied, "No, ... no such ... luck." It turned out that the first woman was his marriage counsellor, and the other woman was his very pissed-off wife, Michelle. I thought Bob fell into the scene and the character of the heartless, philandering husband exceptionally well and quickly. When asked what the signs were of his marriage having problems, he said it was probably when he started bringing other women home. His wife said the final straw was when he started dating the babysitter. The counsellor asked why he did that, and he answered that the babysitter was so good with the kids, he thought, "Why not bring you in full time?" When asked, he said the marriage was working really well for him, and that he was first attracted to his wife Michelle when he thought she looked like she'd let him get away with anything. He also said that his love life was really good ... it's just a shame that Michelle wasn't more involved in it. When Michelle closed the session by saying she'd try to be more patient and understanding, he agreed, saying that he'd try to let her be more patient and understanding. I don't know how Heidi Arena and Nicola Parry managed to keep a straight face during the scene. His ability to be such a 'cad' and go along with the stories of infidelity (and what's more; add to them exponentially) made it hilarious to watch.

Angus was on next, and he never disappoints. He was playing the role of a breakfast radio co-host, and Ed Kavalee (whose day job is co-host on Tony Martin's Get This radio show) was one of the other DJs feeding him his lines. I didn't catch the name of (or recognise) the female co-host, but maybe she's another actual radio DJ I was meant to be able to identify. (Anyone??) Angus did very well with some rather hard prompts, particularly during the rapid-fire punchline bit, and the best included: "The latest from Ramsay Street" ... filling us in on what happened to Bouncer, complaining about paper trees - when you climb up or down them you get paper cuts, his impersonations of "Mr Chen", a Scottish chef and a Mexican dish-hand, offering a prize pack containing a schooner of ouzo, explaining away his 'distraction' by telling the woman he could see through her top, whinging that the rising price of petrol means that it'll soon be more expensive than ... "other things", giing us all an unwanted image of John Howard's chafing problem, and the station's call sign: 96.7: Good times, great hits, and ... "We hope you're not gay."

Just to ensure that newcomer Tahir could get the maximum amount of time to wet his pants while he waited backstage for the inevitable, Fifi went third. She was dressed up as a fairy, and turned out to be a children's party entertainer called Fairy Fiona (which is, incidentally, Fifi's real name ... well, not the 'Fairy' part). Upon entering, her co-entertainer asked her where Davey was. "Was I supposed to bring Davey?" Fifi asked. "Davey's the duck," came the reply, "He's for the act." Fifi gave the obvious (but still, very funny) reply: "Davey was for the act? I thought he was for dinner!" As others have already noted (on the TGYH LiveJournal site, amongst other places), her statement that she lived "in a big raccoon ... skin" was perplexing, but she made up for it by stalling when her co-entertainer asked her to perform her special welcome. "Have you done your special welcome yet?" she asked. "Mine comes after yours," came the reply - illiciting a rare laugh and applause for an ensemble cast member (I wonder if Nicola Parry was raked over hot coals later for stealing the attention for herself!). Both times Fifi was asked to come up with a rhyme or song, she actually did very well (it's not easy to create a rhyme on the spot, AND make it rhyme, AND make it funny), but possibly her best line of the scene was in explaining to the mother why nicotine gum was included in the children's party packs. "It's never too early to stop." Amen to that.

Tahir was finally given the stage and was wearing a graduation gown (but no mortarboard or wig, which should have indicated to him that he was a teacher, not a graduating student (or a lawyer as he implied to Shane before entering the scene). Especially since it turned out from what he said afterwards that he was actually a drama teacher by trade before giving it up to become a comic full time! But anyway, I digress. Upon finding out that he was the principal of a posh private school, he immediately fell into character by glaring at the three boys assembled on the stage to represent the student attending the parent information night. His 'character' seemed to slip a bit from stern headmaster to roguish street hoon in fancy dress, but it was still highly amusing and a fantastic effort for someone on their first TGYH experience. Parts of what he had to say reminded me of Habib, his Pizza character, and also of his stand-up routine, but you can't blame him for drawing from what he knows best. (I certainly didn't feel that he was copping out or cheating!) His opening school prayer was a classic: "Let us pray. [Pause.] That's it." And the school motto that ensemble cast member Daniel Cordeaux read out in Latin was translated by Tahir as: "Pay your fees or die". Something I've noticed the ensemble cast doing more of this season than last season is correcting the guest's answers - which is particularly annoying and unprofessional for improv when it doesn't actually matter to the purposes of the scene - and this happened again when Tahir explained what the three picture symbols of the school motto represented. He said that the first one (a picture of a man and a woman holding the hands of a child) was 'adoption', but Daniel corrected him, saying "community" ("Yeah, community adoption" said a quick-thinking Tahir in a tone that implied Daniel was an idiot), and he immediately picked up that whatever he said next was going to be 'blocked' (or contradicted), so his next answer, 'fighting' ("... for your school, for your rights") was followed by prompting Daniel's correction with the line, "... otherwise known as?" This simple observation, after only being blocked once, showed me how clever he was being. Even if the professional improv actor was being told to block Tahir's improv, Tahir knew enough to leave the door open for Daniel to be able to correct him and still make it look like part of the scene's 'reality'. (Either that, or he just fluked it.) Whichever it was, top marks to Tahir for that. It might sound like a small thing, but it showed that he knew exactly what he was doing. He did the same thing with the third picture of a hammer and a saw crossed over each other. (He said, "Never mix hammers and saws", followed by "... otherwise known as?" and Daniel provided the 'real' answer.) When addressing the three boys and asking them if they like tights (for the Shakespearean play they were going to be performing next year), he suddenly pointed to the kid on the end and snapped, "You! Pick up ten papers!", resulting in applause from the audience. And his final line, "Today's student, tomorrow's gang" was another brilliant (but self-referential) killer line. He did very well, and I was mighty impressed.

The two pre-recorded bits this week cast the guests as a dodgy dole bludger in a Centrelink office (which is the Australian government's job search service) and a police negotiatior in a hostage crisis. In the Centrelink scene, Fifi and Tahir had no really memorable lines, and Bob's only funny one was when he was asked to explain why he was applying for a disability benefit: "I'm an emotional cripple." Angus, meanwhile, checked out the Centrelink chick's butt (which I found amusing even though many may not agree), started trying to determine when the last time he'd held down a job must have been with the line, "Well, it was a leap year", and asked to borrow the guy's computer afterwards so he could check his email. In the police negotiator scene, I got one of my biggest laughs of the night when Angus stepped out of the arriving cop car, lent back in and said to the driver, "Thanks for the lift." When he held up the gun to show it to 'Kevin' (the suicidal target), he yelled out, impressed, "Hey Kevin! Pump action!" When Kevin's wife arrived on the scene, he was condemning of her dress sense, saying, "Of course he's upset! He's coming home to this!" When working out if they can shoot him in the arm to bring him down, he asked Kevin over the megaphone if he was left- or right-handed, and then he finished by telling the cops around him that whoever managed to get his left shoulder would get $50 from him. Very good stuff. Again, nothing Tahir said amused me too much (but I certainly didn't think he 'bombed', or anything). Fifi's best line was in telling Kevin's wife - very sincerely and sympathetically - that she (Kevin's wife) should tell Kevin that the police will shoot him. And Bob was highly amusing when he was going on and on about the forms that had supposedly set Kevin off in the first place. "How many times do I have to say 'forms' before somebody gets me some forms?" He also made me laugh when he talked to the cops around him about their training: "Let's hope that training pays off. It was a lot of laughs at the time. A lot of laughs. Too many laughs, I said." Just the idea that his character thought that was the right time to be lecturing the other cops on taking their training too lightly was enough to have me giggling aloud for a few minutes.

The group scene was set in the ficticious (but familiar) Big Big Burgers fast food chain we first saw the other week (and I suspect will become a recurring setting to represent any 'fast food' type situations), and featured Angus as the Junior Store Manager, Bob as the drive-thru operator, Fifi as an order-taker (?) and Tahir as the giant burger mascot thing. He looked very funny (and what an expensive costume to create just for that one scene - you could tell it wasn't cheap by the way it squeezed through the door!), and immediately made good use of this fact by answering his first question ("How would you describe your role in the store?") thus: "Crap." His other golden lines included completing the store's slogan, "The burgers don't just taste great, they're" ... "Fat." Fifi was the queen of the bleeding obvious in this scene. When asked what they ask their customers, she replied uncertainly, "Would you like to buy something?" Angus was highly amusing when he was told that his job as Junior Store Manager was a big position and he replied "Not as big as I initially thought". He then proceeded to tell the others that for every dollar the company made, he'd give them fifty cents. This was questionable enough, but when he continued to explain how he'd overcharge some customers, not ring it up, pocket the cash, and then slip it to them after the shift (all in front of the manager), it was most amusing indeed. His choice of 'incentive' gift (a single rubber glove) that he handed out to them all was great ... and his advice to keep up the good work and they'll get the other one was golden. When they all started to sing the store's jingle ("Welcome to Big Big Burgers, welcome to Big Big Burgers, welcome to Big Big Burgers, welcome to Big Big Burgers, ..."), Angus broke in by saying, "That's the problem, I think; it just goes on and on." Meanwhile, Bob amused me greatly by playing the role of misguided drive-thru operator with aplomb. When asked how he was going in the role, he replied cheerily, "I couldn't be happier", as if the job was the best thing that's ever happened to him. He was then asked what was so good about it, and he answered, "Lots of fresh air by the window there, and I feel like I'm making a difference." Goodness knows what he imagined he might be making a difference to, but whatever it was, it had me laughing out loud (or 'LOL' as you lot would probably call it). The prompt that was given, concerning the store's guarantee ("What about our money back guarantee? What do we offer our customers?"), had Fifi replying bewilderedly, "Their money back?", which made perfect sense but her obvious fear of this being too simple an answer was apparent in her tone, and that made it funny. When that reply was followed with, "If ...?", Tahir finished, "... they spew." Perfect.

An 'honorable mention' must also go to Angus for his conversation with Shane before they were all sent backstage to prepare for their final group challenge. Talking about Freddie Mercury (who it's true Angus did resemble quite a lot with his hair cut and coloured the way it was), Angus said, "He was born in Zanzibar," to which Shane replied, "Wasn't he Mauritian?" Obviously out of his league and unable to argue the point, Angus shrugged and said casually (and in a tone that implied Shane was being unnecessarily cruel to point out his mistake), "Close enough."

Bob won, but Angus or Tahir could easily have been awarded the prize as well. I think the reasoning used here (if any) was that Angus has won it before (TWICE, actually), Tahir will hopefully be back, and Fifi ... well, ... Fifi said she lived in a big raccoon ... skin.

One other point: I've been very grateful that the creators have so far resisted the very uncreative urge to have the guest finish their scenes by being asked to dance. True, Josh Lawson imitated Shakira when he showed the English exploring professors how the African tribe he'd visited had 'moved' in their tribal dance, but it wasn't the same thing and it wasn't used to end the scene (which, IMHO, is when the idea's at its weakest). Apart from that, no one has been forced to dance yet! It makes me very happy and leaves me wondering whether or not anyone from Working Dog has been here to read my reviews of season one to take notes ... (not really, I know they wouldn't). But hopefully this trend will continue, although with Anthony (The Blue Wiggle) featuring on next week's show, it's quite possible that they'll resort to a dancing move after all. Still, that's five episodes in, so it's great to see them give that idea (which I think they over-used in season one) a bit of a rest for at least the first four episodes of season two.

Anyway, I quite enjoyed this episode, and watching it the second time through (as I do each week so I can take notes) was just as rewarding as the first time. But it usually is. (Also, I can fast forward through Tom's "Dad Jokes" that way.)

This week, you can watch and/or download Bob Franklin's marriage counselling scene for yourself by visiting this site.


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Big Blogger - Week 9

[Theme music is heard: "Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, DUM!"]

Mike: [Voice over] Welcome to Big Blogger! Please welcome your host, Feral Killmen!

[The audience sends Feral an early Valentine’s Day card as she walks out onto stage.]

Feral: Thank you Mike, hello everybody! Hello and welcome to Big Blogger – Week 9. Things are really beginning to wind up, now – and we’re about to enter an extremely busy week indeed. If you missed the weekend’s amazing special twist, go and read that before going any further, because otherwise you’re really not going to understand what’s going on in the House tonight!

[Audience nods in agreement. She really is talking very good sense right about now. Feral turns to face another camera and smiles condescendingly.]

Feral: That’s right, tonight we have our weekly wrap-up and eviction for Week 9, but as I indicated at the end of Saturday’s special twist episode, we’re running back-to-back mini episodes for almost an entire week – starting this Friday!

[Audience accidentally lets one rip out of pure excitement, then looks around as if it was someone else.]

Feral: With the exception of Thursdays and Mondays, which are the weekdays this network puts aside to air its regular reviews of TGYH and Australian Idol respectively, Big Blogger will be evicting one Housemate every day – including over the weekend – until the Big Blogger grand finale, which will air on Friday week, and feature all your former Housemates in a “spectacular-spectacular” you won’t want to miss!

[Audience cheers like its pants are on fire.]

Feral: And it all starts tonight … with an eviction that’s going to sting the Housemate concerned where it hurts the most. Or it will once they get out of the House and discover they were evicted just one week before the end! But before we get to tonight’s eviction, we have to catch up with last week’s evictee. But before we do that, we have to take a look at what happened in the House last week after the surprise triple eviction of TOBYtoby, RichardWatts and Steph.

[Cut to video footage of the House immediately after Steph was evicted last Wednesday night. The Housemates, apart from Gav (who has already left the room), are still facing the door. There is a long, long pause. Longer than any other week. Eventually Magical_M looks around at the others.]

Magical_M: Oh, that’s right. I was waiting for Steph to break the silence as she normally does, but I guess she can’t, anymore.

MelbourneGirl: Good point.

Elaine: And well made.

Mars: So what do we do now? Jump in the spa?

Magical_M: Yep.

Enny: Maybe we should wait and see that there’s not gonna be another eviction!

MelbourneGirl: They’re not going to evict four people in one night.

Enny: Well, before this, I would’ve said the same thing about three people in one night!

MelbourneGirl: Yeah, but the difference is this has happened, now.

Sublime-ation: C’mon, let’s just go get in the spa. I’m dying to wash this icky feeling off me.

Mars: Ewww.

MelbourneGirl: Who wants a cuppa?

[Cut to the spa less than thirty minutes later. A caption on the screen reads: “Less than thirty minutes later …”, indicating that I’m not simply making this stuff up as I go along. There is so much steam from the hot water, that it’s causing low visibility for the cameras. All Housemates are present in the spa, although Gav in particular doesn’t look very cheerful.]

Mars: How weird is it with three Housemates missing at once?!

Enny: It’s bizarre.

Elaine: It’s never been this empty! Has it?

MelbourneGirl: I dunno, I can’t be bothered working it out. Every time we lose a couple of people, more Intruders or whatever get thrown in.

Pomgirl: I think this is the fewest people I’ve seen in here during my time in the House.

Sublime-ation: So we’re really starting to race through the numbers now, eh?

Elaine: It depends if they throw even more Intruders in!

Mars: They wouldn’t do that – would they?

Magical_M: The wouldn’t evict three people in one night, either!

Mars: Good point.

Elaine: And well made.

Pomgirl: [Trying to cheer him up] Hey, Gav! What’s it like being the only guy in a spa filled with women?!

Gav: [Mumbling] Mmm.

Enny: What was that?

Gav: [Unenthusiastic] Yeah, it’s good.

Elaine: “It’s good”?!?! What’s wrong with you, boy?!? Most guys’d kill to be in your position!

[Gav looks at Sublime-ation, flinches ever-so-slightly, and looks back into his lap.]

Gav: I think I’m gonna go inside now. [He does so. The others all watch him leave.]

Sublime-ation: I feel really bad. I think he’s upset with me.

MelbourneGirl: Nah, honey. He’s upset with Steph.

Magical_M: You did nothing wrong.

Sublime-ation: Yeah, but I’m a constant reminder to him about it, at least.

[There is a moment of thoughtful silence.]

Sublime-ation: I’m gonna go talk to him. [The others watch her get out of the spa and head into the House.]

Mars: I hope they can sort it out. Gav’s a great guy. I don’t want him being upset the rest of his time in here.

Elaine: I don’t want him bringing down the mood all the time, either!

Enny: Elaine!

Elaine: What? Tell me you weren’t thinking the same thing! Here we are, seven nubile young women, all sharing a spa with the guy, and all he can do is mope around and get out?! Something’s wrong with the guy, I’m tellin’ ya.

Enny: [Looking at her incredulously] I think I liked you better when you were a pirate.

[Cut to the bedroom. Gave is curled up in his bed, in the fetal position, as Sublime-ation enters the room and walks over to him.]

Sublime-ation: Gav?

[He pulls the blanket up to his ears, but she sits on the side of the bed and prevents him from being able to pull it up any further.]

Sublime-ation: Are you okay?

[Gav groans a roughly-affirmative response.]

Sublime-ation: [Pause] Listen, I just wanted to check that you and I are okay … and apologise if you’re upset with me or anything. I’m sorry for what happened with Steph, but I hope you’ll believe me when I say I didn’t know what was going on and I certainly didn’t mean to get in the way or anything.

Gav: [Lifting his head up to look at her] I know you didn’t. It’s alright.

[There is a pause.]

Sublime-ation: So what’s wrong? Are you upset with me?

Gav: No, not at all. Whenever I look at you, I see the image I have of walking into the room … but I’m not upset with you. [Pause.] It’s … it’s something else …

Sublime-ation: What?

[Pregnant pause.]

Gav: I wish Steph was here.

[The audience gasps at this revelation.]

Sublime-ation: Really?!?

Gav: Yeah. I don’t like that things ended the way they did, and I didn’t let her speak to me before she was evicted. I … I guess I’d like to have sorted it out with her, because … I think I’m in love with her.

[The audience goes ‘Awwwwww’. Sublime-ation’s eyes grow wide as she grins from ear to ear (the usual direction a grin takes). She gets excited for Gav.]

Sublime-ation: You are?!

Gav: [Grinning now despite himself] Yeah, I think so.

Sublime-ation: Oh, Gav – that’s great! [She hugs him, and he laughs.]

Gav: Yeah, it is, isn’t it!

Sublime-ation: [Breaking the hug and looking into his eyes] I can’t wait ‘til you guys are reunited! It’s gonna be so ace to watch you sort out your feelings and work things out!

Gav: Well, one step at a time. I have to deal with what happened, first. Then I’m gonna let her tell her side of the story, and then we’ll see if we can get past it.

Sublime-ation: Oooh, this is such great news! [She hugs him again.] It’s all gonna be okay, Gav – you’ll see!

Gav: I hope so. [But he’s happy, now – and that’s all we can ask for in this world, isn’t it? Happiness. And maybe a Cuban cigar.]

[Cut back to Feral in the studio. The audience is crying … the sooks.]

Feral: Well isn’t that lovely! I hope those crazy kids can work it out. And now we have a chance to hear from the other side of the fence when we catch up with our most recent evictees. Please welcome TOBYtoby, RichardWatts and Steph!

[The audience cheers as the three former Housemates walk on to stage and sit next to Feral on the couch.]

Feral: How are you all doing?

RichardWatts: Fine thank you.

TOBYtoby: I’m great.

Steph: [She has clearly been crying.] Good. [She laughs.]

Feral: Good? You look as though you’re upset. Was that the first time you’d seen that footage of Gav saying those things to Sublime-ation?

Steph: Yep. [She sniffles.] I thought he hated me. All week I thought he hated me. [She uses a tissue to dry her eyes and smiles at Feral through her hand.]

Feral: Well I have to ask; was it a good thing to hear him say, or are you scared now that he wants something you’re not ready for?

Steph: Oh, it’s good, it’s good. I’m very happy about that.

[Audience cheers – they have a love connection!]

Feral: So you’re in love with Gav as well?

Steph: [Looking taken aback] Oh, um … I’m not sure. I like him, so we’ll see how we go.

Feral: I think that’s fair enough.

Steph: Yep.

Feral: And RichardWatts, what have you been up to since you got out of the House?

RichardWatts: You mean aside from the regular media circuit and then the special Return to the House episode on the weekend?

Feral: Including that.

RichardWatts: Including that? Okay then. I’ve completed the regular media circuit and then appeared in the special Return to the House episode on the weekend.

Feral: Fascinating!

RichardWatts: Other than that, I’ve just been trying to dispel all the pre-conceived ideas about gay men and how this show has only gone to strengthen those unrealistic stereotypes.

Feral: Oopsie, have we? [She laughs.]

RichardWatts: [Straight-faced] Yep.

Feral: No need to cry over it, though. Do you need a tissue? Or have you already got one in your handbag? [She laughs.]

RichardWatts: [Unamused] Mmm. How clever of you.

Feral: Hehe, yeah. I’m pretty funny. Now, TOBYtoby. I bet you’ve had an interesting time since getting out of the House! How has the public taken to you, and did once being the Insider cause any problems for you on the outside?

TOBYtoby: Um, not really. I think people have been really cool with me about stuff.

Feral: Really?

TOBYtoby: You sound surprised.

Feral: I am!

TOBYtoby: Well, I’m actually a really nice guy. I’m smart, I’m attractive, I do really well at trivia nights …

Feral: Yeah, but you did some cruel and nasty stuff in the House.

TOBYtoby: Because Big Blogger told me to, yeah.

Feral: So there’s been no hate mail or anything?

TOBYtoby: Nope.

Feral: Man, we’re not doing our job properly! Okay, well all three of you were fantastic Housemates, and I’m sorry none of you were selected to re-enter the House on the weekend.

RichardWatts: That’s okay.

TOBYtoby: Fine with me.

Steph: Aww, now I really wish I’d gone back in!

Feral: Well, you all know that the finale is not very far away at all, so you’ll all be seeing the remaining Housemates soon enough. [She turns to the audience.] Let’s hear it for TOBYtoby, RichardWatts and Steph!

[Audience cheers for the three of them as they make their way off stage.]

Feral: Alright, let’s get into the final full week’s wrap-up episode. I can’t wait to see what happens next. And I already know!

[Cut to footage of all Housemates sharing the shower together on Thursday morning. They are all wearing pixilated underwear.]

Feral: [Voice over] It’s 10:08am, and the Housemates are enjoying a leisurely shower as a group.

Mars: Hey, Gav – tell me now that it’s not good to be the only guy left in the House!

[Gav’s face slowly breaks into a grin as she realises what she means.]

Gav: Hehe … yeah, it has its up-side …

[They all laugh.]

[Cut to later in the day. Most of the Housemates are outside, lazing about in the sun. Elaine and Pomgirl are in the kitchen, preparing lunch.]

Pomgirl: Do you think you’re going to be famous after this?

Elaine: Famous?

Pomgirl: Yeah.

Elaine: Well, I think I might get recognised on the street, but I’m not sure I’ll be invited to movie premieres or anything.

Pomgirl: But what if you were? Would you accept?

Elaine: What – movie premieres?

Pomgirl: Yeah.

Elaine: [Thinks about it a second] Maybe. Maybe not.

Pomgirl: Why not?!

Elaine: It’s just not my scene.

Pomgirl: What is your scene?

Elaine: Nightclubs and stuff. Spa parties. Pirate ships. You know, the usual.

Pomgirl: Nightclubs I can understand. Spa parties is a new one to me, but I’ve gotten used to them from our weekly post-eviction spa. And pirates ships? Forget it. But I reckon movie premieres are almost the same thing as nightclubs, except for the drinking. Both are indoors, night-time events with lots of people and probably representatives from the media there, taking your photo all the time.

Elaine: Yeah, maybe you’re right. [Pause.] But the media thing’d just piss me off, I reckon.

Pomgirl: Really? Wow, you’d better get used to it, babe. When I got out of the UK version of Big Blogger, I was hounded by the media the whole time. The only time it stopped was when I got on the plane to come out here. I just wish they’d told me how long the flight was.

Elaine: How long did you expect it to be?

Pomgirl: Two or three hours.

Elaine: Oh. [Pause.] But you won your version of Big Blogger, didn’t you?

Pomgirl: Yeah. So?

Elaine: Well, surely that would’ve made a difference to how much you got hounded by the press!

Pomgirl: Maybe.

Elaine: Plus, the British press is worse than the Aussie press.

Pomgirl: [Getting defensive] Says who?!

Elaine: Everyone! Anyone! It’s just common knowledge. [Pomgirl begins to scowl in anger.] Hey, don’t get upset with me; it’s your media!

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Elaine. Pomgirl. For discussing previous versions of Big Blogger, that’s a five thousand dollar fine each.

Pomgirl: Good one, Elaine.

Elaine: Hey! You brought it up, not me!

Enny: [Entering the kitchen from outside] What’s going on, you guys? Are you crazy? We’ve had so many fines this past two weeks, we’ve really gotta watch it!

Elaine: Yes, thank you, Enny. We know that.

Enny: Well, … stop getting us fines, then!

Pomgirl: Shut up, Enny.

[Enny looks upset with this response and heads back outside in silence.]

Pomgirl: Stupid <BEEP>.

[Cut to Enny returning to her beach towel and lying down on it next to Sublime-ation, MelbourneGirl and Magical_M.]

Enny: Wow, they’re in a really bad mood.

Magical_M: What’d you expect? You ‘dared’ to tell them to keep a lid on it!

Enny: Yeah, but I’m only doing it so the winner can end up with more money than if they keep shooting their mouths off.

MelbourneGirl: I know, honey, but you just can’t tell some people.

Enny: Mmm. [They sit there reflecting on that for a moment.]

[Cut to Mars and Gav, swimming in the pool.]

Mars: Do you reckon you’ll win Big Blogger?

Gav: I dunno. Not really. It’s clear that the guys are being voted out en masse.

Mars: Yeah, but there were heaps more of us girls than there were guys in here, anyway.

Gav: True.

Mars: I don’t think I’m gonna win. Intruders never win.

Gav: Don’t say that. There’s a first time for everything. You might find that people really warm to your personality now that you’re in here. I think you’re great.

[He swims a few laps of the pool while Mars watches him. Then he stops swimming, dunks his head under the water to wet his hair and and comes back up again.]

Mars: Do you really think so?

Gav: Do I really think what?

Feral: [Voice over] The following night, the Housemates were dressed up and ready to play Friday Night Live.

[Cut to the bedroom, where all the Housemates are dressed up as different Muppets and wearing yellow construction helmets. (Hey! It’s MY show!) Magical_M is dressed as Miss Piggy (and she doesn’t look happy about it!), MelbourneGirl is dressed as Fozzie Bear, Mars is dressed as Gonzo, Sublime-ation is dressed as Rowlf, Elaine is dressed as Kermit, Gav is dressed as The Swedish Chef, Pomgirl is dressed as Scooter, and Enny is dressed as Animal. They all look really adorable.]

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Housemates, welcome to Friday Night Live. The theme for this Friday Night Live is … The Muppet Show.

Magical_M: [Deadpan] So no one died this week? How inconsiderate!

Pomgirl: What’s a Muppet?

Big Blogger: Housemates. This will be your final Friday Night Live.

[The Housemates react in shock and disappointment at this news.]

Big Blogger: Never before has winning Friday Night Live mattered so much. This is your last opportunity to win the prizes on offer, the respect of your fellow Housemates, and the adoration of the reading public.

Gav: Yeah, right!

[While we hear Big Blogger continue, we are shown various clips of the Housemates competing in games and tasks involving miniature puppet show props, unknown messy substances, and a trophy at the end for the winner.]

Big Blogger: Housemates will begin in teams, but there will be only one winner. The last remaining Housemate will win four prizes; the Friday Night Live trophy, the right to affect nominations, two nights in the Rewards Room with a Housemate of your choice, and the three boxes. Housemates, it’s time to put on make-up. Sublime-ation, Enny, Mars … you are out of tonight’s games. Go to the loser’s bench. Remaining Housemates, it’s time to light the lights. Gav, MelbourneGirl, Pomgirl … you are out of tonight’s games. Go to the loser’s bench. Magical_M, Elaine, tonight’s winner will be the first Housemate who can construct a Gonzo doll from the parts provided, load him into the cannon, and fire him into the air. Remaining Housemates, it’s time to raise the curtain. Magical_M, you are the winner of the final Friday Night Live. Congratulations. Approach the winner’s podium and collect your trophy. Losing Housemates, celebrate your champion.

Magical_M: I CAN’T BELIEVE I WON!!!! [She goes absolutely crazy with joy, running around and around the podium like an utter nutbag. Eventually she stops running and picks up her trophy. She holds it above her head. It is a miniature golden Kermit the Frog figurine on a block of wood.]

[Cut to footage of the Friday Night Live desk.]

Mike: What a fantastic ending to a fantastic series of Friday Night Live! And isn’t it great that the really useless one was able to win the final FNL? It’s all going very well for Magical_M so far this week!

Whee Um-ah: It certainly is, Mike. And can I just say one thing?

Mike: Sure. So what do you think, Ditzy?

Gerald ‘Ditzy’ Fitzryan: Um, can I ask a stupid question, Mike?

Mike: Better than anyone I know. Let’s cut back to the House.

[Cut to Magical_M in the Diary Room.]

Big Blogger: Magical_M, who do you choose to take to the Rewards Room, and why?

Magical_M: MelbourneGirl! MelbourneGirl for sure, Big Blogger.

[Cut to Magical_M and MelbourneGirl in the Rewards Room, facing the three boxes.]

Big Blogger: Magical_M, which box do you choose?

Magical_M: Hmm, I’ve been taking careful note of the way this has gone in previous weeks, and I’m going to avoid box number two, and go for box number three, instead, Big Blogger.

Big Blogger: You may open box number three now.

[She does so.]

Magical_M: [Reading off a card, her voice getting louder the further she gets through her sentence] “You have won an all-expenses-paid worldwide holiday!”

[She screams in excitement as MelbourneGirl jumps off the bed and screams with her. They hold hands and jump up and down on the spot for a few minutes, screaming incoherently as they do so. This goes on for quite a while.]

[Cut to the other Housemates sitting at the outdoor table and chair setting, looking towards the Rewards Room where the screaming can be heard faintly.]

Gav: Wow. I think somebody finally won a good prize.

[Cut back to the Rewards Room. The girls are still jumping up and down, hugging and screaming. It’s all just noise. Behind the walls, some of the sound guys’ ears start to bleed. The girls eventually stop screaming, and fall down onto the bed, exhausted.]

MelbourneGirl: [Laughing] Oh boy, that’s fantastic news. Congratulations! [They both laugh.]

Big Blogger: Magical_M, the holiday is yours to keep.

Magical_M: Thank you, Big Blogger!

Big Blogger: You may check the other boxes now.

Magical_M: Ohhh, do I have to get up? [But she does so anyway. Opening box one and reading off a card] “You have won a kick in the pants.” Ouch! I’m so glad I didn’t pick that one!

MelbourneGirl: [Sitting up] Does it really say that?

Magical_M: Yep. [Opening box three and reading off a card] “You have won two kicks in the pants.” Oh no! That one’s so much worse! [She laughs.]

MelbourneGirl: You’ve gotta be kidding me. [She gets up and checks the cards.] Oh my goodness. You’re so lucky you didn’t stick with box number two!

Magical_M: I know!

[Cut back to the other Housemates in the backyard.]

Elaine: [Grumpy] I can’t believe Magical_M chose MelbourneGirl instead of me.

Sublime-ation: They’re best friends; of course she was gonna choose her!

Elaine: But I’ve never been in there before!

Sublime-ation: Neither have I, but you don’t hear me complaining about it!

[Elaine just scowls at her, then turns away. Sublime-ation rolls her eyes to the others, who were all listening to the conversation.]

Feral: [Voice over] And then on Saturday night, the Housemates were surprised and amazed to be reunited by an old friend …

[Cut to footage previously viewed over the weekend of the Housemates lying on their beds in the bedroom, talking about nothing in particular.]

Magical_M: I want to know how you keep avoiding nominations, MG.

MelbourneGirl: So do I! I’d love to know what I’m doing right so I can keep doing it!

Magical_M: I reckon it’s because you keep making everyone cups of tea.

MelbourneGirl: Cups of … ?? That must be the single most <BEEP>in’ stupid theory I’ve ever heard!

Magical_M: Steady on! It’s just a theory! …

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Housemates. Big Blogger has a surprise for you. [The Housemates get excited.] You may not like it. [They deflate.] Or you may. [They get excited again.] But you probably won’t. [They deflate again.] I’m betting you won’t. [They deflate even more.] In fact, I expect some tears. [They continue to deflate. Gav falls onto the floor.] Big Blogger has decided to reinvigorate the declining Housemate numbers.

[Elaine and Sublime-ation look at each other in confusion. Pomgirl is frowning at the ceiling.]

Big Blogger: Housemates. Prepare to welcome back into your midst … one of your former Housemates.

[The Housemates jump to their feet and squeal in excitement.]

Big Blogger: Former Housemate, you may enter the House now.

[The Housemates run, still squealing, from the bedroom to the lounge. The Diary Room door opens and they stand in silence for a moment, watching the empty doorway. The suspenders are killing me.]

Sublime-ation: Please be Tyson, please be Tyson, please be Tyson!

MelbourneGirl: Please be Clokeeeey, please be Clokeeeey, please be Clokeeeey!

Pomgirl: Please be TOBYtoby, please be TOBYtoby, please be TOBYtoby!

Mars: Please have chocolate, please have chocolate, please have chocolate!

[Javatari walks calmly into the room, wraps his cape around his shoulders, and announces in a commanding voice:]

Javatari: Shazam! I have returned.

Magical: [Delighted] Javatari! Ooooh! [She runs up and hugs him.]

[The Housemates surround Javatari and both congratulate and welcome him into the House. They bombard him with questions for a moment that he cannot answer.]

Big Blogger: Housemates. [They all fall silent.] Javatari is a fellow Housemate once again. He is not a ‘former Housemate’, and he will have no grace period. For this week’s aviction, he is eligible for nomination, and he is required to cast votes against two of you. Remember: Each of you is still able to walk away with the Big Blogger prize money. And that now includes Javatari. That is all.

[In the silence that follows, the Housemates size up their new competition. Javatari glows with his newfound feelings of superiority.]

Javatari: I feel the power welling up within me.

Enny: Are you going to perform a magic trick?

Javatari: Something like that. [He extends his left hand towards her.] Here, pull my finger.

[She reaches for it before the others can stop her.]

Other Housemates: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

[But it’s too late. A small explosion is heard and a puff of smoke is emitted from somewhere behind Javatari. After a moment, a single white dove flies out from under his cape, nestling down in the rafters of the ceiling.]

Javatari: [Turning around in concern] Hmm, there were meant to be two doves …

MelbourneGirl: Forget about that; c’mon, let’s sit down! Tell us all about what’s been happening!

Javatari: I cannot discuss matters of the outside world with you.

Enny: Fair enough.

Magical_M: I figured as much.

[The all sit down on the couch. There is a barely-audible ‘crunch’.]

Mars: What was that?

Javatari: [Without turning around] I think I just found the second dove.

Feral: [Voice over] The following day, the Housemates were called to the Diary Room to place what they didn’t realise would end up being their final weekly nominations. And despite former evictee Javatari re-entering the group and setting his sights on ‘their prize money’, the other Housemates had other targets in mind ...

[Cut to the lounge. The Housemates are all gathered together on the couch.]

Big Blogger: Housemates. It’s time to nominate. This week, all Housemates are eligible for nominations. This includes the recently returned Javatari. No one is ammune from nomination or aviction. Housemates. It’s time to nominate. Mars, to the Diary Room.

[Cut to the Diary Room, where we see quick flashes of some Housemates’ nominations.]

Big Blogger: Mars, who do you nominate for two points for aviction, and why?

Mars: For two points I nominate Elaine, Big Blogger.

Pomgirl: Magical_M.

Enny: Pomgirl.

Gav: Pomgirl.

Sublime-ation: Elaine.

Javatari: Pomgirl.

Elaine: Pomgirl.

MelbourneGirl: Elaine.

Magical_M: Pomgirl.

[Cut to the lounge. All Housemates are assembled on the couch, awaiting Big Blogger’s first nominations announcement.]

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. This week's nominated Housemates are: Magical_M … and … Elaine … and … Pomgirl.

[The Housemates react with shock at this news. Magical_M is barely able to remain seated, she is so excited.]

Big Blogger: Magical_M, to the Diary Room. [Before he has even finished his sentence, Magical_M has darted for the Diary Room, giggling with glee.]

[Cut to the Diary Room.]

Big Blogger: Magical_M, as winner of Friday Night Live, you will now exercise the most important part of your prize. Who do you wish to deduct three points from, and why.

Magical_M: Me, Big Blogger! Me, me, me, me, me!!

Big Blogger. Go back to the lounge and say nothing of this to your Housemates.

Magical_M: Woo-hoo!

[Cut back to the lounge. Magical_M takes her seat.]

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. The Housemates up for aviction this week are … Pomgirl … and … Elaine … and … Enny. That is all.

Magical_M: [Jumping immediately to her feet and power-punching the air with both hands] YES!!! Suck on that, bitches! I finally got a week off!! Yahooooooo! [She runs away and does cartwheels throughout the House, not caring for the moment that she’s wearing a skirt. The other Housemates watch her go.]

MelbourneGirl: Poor girl. Good on her for finally have a break from all the nominations.

Sublime-ation: I bet she wishes she’d worn underwear today, though.

MelbourneGirl: I don’t think that’s dawned on her, yet.

[A squeal followed by a dull thump are heard from the other room.]

MelbourneGirl: There we go.

Feral: [Voice over] So both boys – including the newly re-instated Javatari - were safe for another week, but one of the other girls is doomed to leave the House tonight. Who will it be?

[Cut back to Feral on stage. The audience is caught scratching itself, then tries to pretend there’s something in their pocket.]

Feral: Well that was a quick one! Running out of ideas, are you, Big Blogger? Hehe. [She puts her finger to her ear.] Ow! Ahem. Well, whoever’s evicted tonight, it’s gonna be a girl. But which girl will it be? Pomgirl? [The audience cheers in support of Pomgirl.] Elaine? [The audience cheers in support of Elaine.] Or Enny? [The audience cheers in support of Enny.] Let’s find out right away.

[Cut to live footage of the Housemates all lined up on the couch, the three in the middle looking more nervous than the others. The audience cheers when it sees the Housemates.]

Feral: Hello, House.

Housemates: Hey there! / Hi Feral / Hello / etc.

Feral: Welcome to another eviction show. And a very special welcome back to Javatari! [Audience cheers for Javatari.]

Javatari: Thank you, Feral. It’s good to be back in the House.

Feral: Has the place changed much since you were there last?

Javatari: There are a lot more females this time.

Feral: That’s true, and most of the people in there now weren’t there when you were evicted the first time.

Javatari: That observation is accurate.

Feral: So have you got your eye on anyone?

Javatari: I have my eye on everyone, Feral. You can’t trust anyone in here. Especially not me.

[The other Housemates look at each other in alarm.]

Feral: Ooh, that sounds interesting! Well, I’d better move on and talk to our three nominated Housemates. Let’s start with Magical_M. [Audience cheers for Magical_M.]

Magical_M: No! I’m not nominated this week!

Feral I know, I said that out of habit. [They laugh.] No, I’m kidding. I just wanted to say congratulations for avoiding nominations for once. You must feel very relieved.

Magical_M: Absolutely. It was a great feeling not be nominated for eviction this week.

Feral: And you won the first ever overseas holiday in the Friday Night Live prizes the other night!

Magical_M: Yes! The very last Friday Night Live, and I won the trip! I’m so excited!

Feral: Well, all the best of luck to you for whatever lies ahead. It’s certainly going well for you so far!

Magical_M: Ooh, don’t jinx it!

Feral: Let’s speak with Enny. [Audience cheers for Enny.]

Enny: Hi Feral.

Feral: How are you feeling? This is your first nomination, right?

Enny: That’s right. I’m feeling a bit nervous and hopeful that I’ll still be here in a few minutes, Feral. But if it’s my turn tonight, that’s fair enough. I’ve had a great time in here. Maybe we’ll all go, like last week!

Feral: Haha, no – that was a one-week-only deal.

Enny: Fair enough.

Feral: Elaine, you’ve been nominated before, haven’t you? [Audience cheers for Elaine.]

Elaine: Yeah, I was nommed last week, as a matter of fact.

Feral: And you managed to survive three evictions! How do you rate your chances tonight?

Elaine: Oh, about the same. It’s hard to tell. I hope I’m still here in the next twenty minutes.

Feral: Of course, of course. Finally we have Pomgirl. [Audience cheers for Pomgirl.]

Pomgirl: Hi Feral.

Feral: You’re no stranger to nominations, are you!

Pomgirl: No, I’ve been nominated a few times. Everyone in here loves me so much!

[Audience chuckles.]

Feral: Well, it doesn’t matter what the people in there think; it only matters what the people out here think. And it’s time to find out what their decision is. Good luck, everyone.

Nominated Housemates: Thanks, Feral / cheers / thank you / etc.

Feral: Okay, here we go … I’m being handed the envelope now … It’s time to go … [Camera pans across the nominated Housemates’ faces extremely slowly.] It’s time to go, Elaine!

[The audience gasps. The Housemates react in surprise and shock.]

Elaine: [Standing up.] Oh well, it was good while it lasted.

[The other Housemates stand up to hug Elaine good-bye.]

Mars: The first of our Intruder batch to go!

Elaine: Yeah, heh. [They hug.]

Enny: Sorry to see you go, Elaine.

Elaine: Sure. Have a great time. [They hug.]

MelbourneGirl: See ya, darlin’.

Elaine: Bye, MG. Thanks for everything. [They hug.]

Gav: Have a great time partying tonight!

Elaine: Sure will. [They hug.]

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Elaine, you have been avicted. You have ten seconds to leave the House.

Pomgirl: Bye, ‘Lainey.

Elaine: Bye. [They hug.]

Magical_M: We’ll see you in a couple of months or something, okay?

Elaine: Yep, sure. [They hug.]

Sublime-ation: Catch ya later, Elaine.

Elaine: See ya. [They hug.]

Javatari: I do not know who you are, but I hope you have a wonderful evening.

Elaine: Thanks. [They stand there looking awkwardly at each other for a moment.] Okay, gotta go.

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Elaine, you have been avicted. You must leave the House ammediately.

Elaine: I’m goin’! I’m goin’!

[Elaine walks up to the Diary Room door, which opens for her. She steps through the doorway and the door closes behind her.]

Magical_M: [Immediately spinning around to face the other Housemates] Who wants a cup of tea? [MelbourneGirl looks at her in surprise.]

MelbourneGirl: That's my line!

Magical_M: [Chanting like a schoolchild as she runs into the kitchen] Cuppa tea! Cuppa tea! Cuppa tea! Cuppa tea!

[MelbourneGirl rolls her eyes dramatically.]

MelbourneGirl: [To the other Housemates] Don't worry, I'll get you your cup of tea.

[Cut back to Feral on stage.]

Feral: There we go; Elaine has been evicted!

[Audience bays for Elaine’s blood.]

Feral: She’ll be joining me up here on stage in just a few moments, but first I get to remind you about what’s happening between now and the Big Blogger Finale. All you have to do is remember that this network will be maintaining its prior commitments to reviewing episodes of Thank God You’re Here and Australian Idol on Thursdays and Mondays respectively, but every other night (including weekends) will feature a new Big Blogger mini-episode, where we’ll see another Housemate evicted until there are just three lucky Housemates left for the grand finale episode next Friday night! Be sure to tune in for each exciting installment. It all starts in two days’ time, this Friday, and continues on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with the last ever episode airing the following Friday. If you don’t read it, I don’t get paid, so please come back and follow the ups and downs of what the remaining Housemates are facing: Daily Evictions! But for now, it’s time to welcome our star performer to the stage. Make her feel like part of the furniture, Elaine!

[Audience hangs its coat on Elaine as she enters the stage, waving and smiling at the crowd.]

Elaine: Hello Feral.

Feral: Hi Elaine. Are you surprised to be evicted so soon?

Elaine: Nah, someone had to go, and it was always going to be one of the Intruders.

Feral: You think so? I thought it was pretty much down to chance.

[Audience roars its devotion to Elaine. She *blushes*]

Feral: So tell me about this pirate thing. It didn’t take you too long to drop the whole business.

Elaine: No, pretty much straight away, wasn’t it.

Feral: Why was that?

Elaine: Oh, I guess I just felt it was a bit much, and it was obvious that it wasn’t winning me any friends in there.

Feral: Maybe they just needed some more time to warm to it?

Elaine: Nah, it was going nowhere fast.

Feral: Fair enough. Well, I kinda like the pirate thing. It was very individual of you, so well done for that. [To the audience:] Did you like Elaine’s pirate deal?

[Audience screams its support of Elaine and all things piratey.]

Elaine: Aww, thanks, guys. I mean … Thanks, me hearties.

[The audience goes utterly ballistic!]

Feral: Wow, there you go, then. Pirates are the new black!

Elaine: Especially Blackbeard.

Feral: Okay, that’s enough. No more pirate jokes.

Elaine: Aye-aye, cap’n.

Feral: I mean it.

Elaine: Roger.

Feral: [Sighs] “Jolly” Roger, I presume?

Elaine: Aha! That’s a good one. I wasn’t thinking of that, but there you go, then.

Feral: Anyway, moving on … You’re going to be on Uplate with Mike Goldentonsils tonight, and he’ll be showing you who nominated you.

Elaine: Yep, I remember.

Feral: Oh, that’s right, you saw how all this works before you went into the House.

Elaine: Yep.

Feral: So can we just skip the graph thing?

Elaine: Absolutely.

Feral: Ahh, I love you! Okay, so that just leaves us with the prizes.

Elaine: You can skip that as well, if you like.

Feral: Oh no, I’m duty-bound to give you these prizes.

Elaine: [Flatly] Oh, great.

Feral: And here they are … an empty pizza box – careful, it’s a little greasy inside – and a four litre can of beige paint.

Elaine: I’m just so honoured. Thanks. Arrgh!

Feral: Let’s hear it for our lucky Evictee Number Thirteen, Elaine!

[Audience waves its wooden leg high in the air, then falls over, as Elaine leaves the stage smiling and waving to everyone. When she is nearly off stage, she almost collides with a heavily bandaged Ninja, who has his head almost completely covered with gauze, is wearing an eye-patch, has both arms in plaster, is wearing a neck brace, has both legs in splints, and is using crutches to slowly make his way out on to the stage.]

Ninja: Oops, sorry. I was coming out to escort you off, but I’m a bit slow with these things.

Elaine: Hmm, nice eye-patch.

Ninja: [*blushes*] Thanks.

Elaine: You single?

Ninja: Um, … single-ish, yeah.

Elaine: Well, I’m as randy as an old goat, so I was wondering if you just wanted to duck out the back with me, and … [They disappear into the wings, talking excitedly.]

Feral: Okay, so there you have it. Elaine is out and we’re down to eight. No one else is going into the House now; it’s all eviction, eviction, eviction from here on in! But I’ve already told you about all that. There’s a lot of work being put into this show behind the scenes, and everyone who plays a part in the backstage work is committed to bringing you quality entertainme—

Ninja: [Interrupting loudly, from somewhere offstage] AWESOME!

Feral: [Only momentarily distracted] Um, … so, make sure you tune in every night between now and the Big Blogger Finale in two Fridays’ time so see who stays and who goes. And who wins! I’m Feral Killmen, and you’re reading Big Blogger … where we’re down to the short and curly end of the tale now, so don’t miss a minute of it! Good night!

[Audience strains to see what’s happening in the wings.]

Mike: [Voice over] There’s not much left to go now! Bear with us and it’ll all be over soon enough. Remember, you need to vote for the House you want to imagine; not the House you’d want to live in. I’m Mike Goldentonsils.

[Theme music: "Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, DUM!"]

Mike: [Voice over] Big Blogger is brought to you by InYourDreamsWorld; the home of Big Blogger.

* * *


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Best Day Of My Life

Sure, my wedding was a great day. The birth of my firstborn, when it happens, will also be a great day. But I think today is the best day of my life because of something I’ve just read in TV Week that has made me extremely happy.

Both Janet Andrewartha and Dichen Lachman (who play Lyn Scully and Katya Kinski on Neighbours, respectively) are leaving the show soon – or in Lyn’s case, has already left. We won’t see the effects of this cast change for a while yet, but it’ll mean no more over-reacting melodramatic facial expressions from Lyn when people talk to her (the ‘futhering about’, as I’ve come to call it, is especially hard to watch when she’s meant to be flustered about something), and the monotone line delivery and wacky furtive-eye ‘acting’ from Katya whenever she’s being dishonest or ‘sneaky’ will also be a thing of the past. And I couldn’t be happier.

These two have long been amongst the most annoying characters to watch on the show (the next two would be Katya’s siblings Rachel and Zeke Kinski, but don’t get me started on them now), and the fact that they’ll soon be distant memories is something worth celebrating.

The only downside to this whole news bulletin is the assumption that if Lyn’s leaving the show, her three-year-old son Oscar is probably gonna be written out as well. Played by toddler Ingo Dammer-Smith, little Oscar is a constant source of amusement in our house whenever he’s in a scene because he’s invariably acting up and making life difficult for those in the scene with him.

From pulling their hair while they’re meant to be delivering serious lines to each other, to banging loudly on his toys during a tender moment, to grabbing props out of the other actors’ hands while they’re using them, to pulling on the neckline of Lyn’s top while she’s holding him in her lap … you can always count on Oscar to upstage the other actors and testing the limits of their patience.

I’m sure he’s no fun to work with, because it seems that they must struggle to find a scene where he’s doing what he’s supposed to be doing (sitting quietly and keeping out of the way).

Oscar Scully: Hilarious.

While his nine-month-old ‘nephew’ Charlie is quiet (frequently looking straight up at the boom mike or overhead lighting array), Oscar is forever making loud background noises, speaking baby babble and nonsense words while the rest of the scene continues to play out as if he wasn’t being a major distraction. The complete lack of realism in regards to how much attention the other characters pay him when he’s showing them a toy or something (a pleasant but firm “Hang on, mate” being the closest they’ve ever come to straying from the script to refer to whatever Oscar’s doing or saying to them – and that was when the kid tried to take Paul’s mobile phone out of his hand when the latter was about to use it) sometimes makes the whole thing farcical. They should have some ability to address the kid’s concerns and conversations like anyone with a child in the room ordinarily would, before returning to the scripted lines. But they never do it.

I understand why, of course. Every second of footage is carefully timed to fit in the 22 minutes of screen time per episode. I realise that ad-libbing would only result in things needing to be cut. But if that’s the case, are they filming enough takes to use the one where Oscar was behaving the best? I’m sure they probably are, so the point is in fact that Oscar must be a little **** (pain in the neck) on the set, and due to his age they probably have to do the scene as quickly as possible, with as few re-takes as they can manage, in order to complete the day’s filming requirements before he gets escorted off the set as per child actor regulations and stuff. But still – I always have a good ol’ laugh at Oscar’s scenes. It’s very funny gear.

It’d be great if Oscar was to move in with Steph and Charlie or something, but I simply can’t see it happening. Unless Lyn’s character dies, in which case it’s possible (but more likely that they’d ship Oscar off to his unseen father in Bendigo than have him move in with his aunt two doors down – mostly because it’d mean they could relieve themselves of the kid actor).

Still, if they’re getting rid of Lyn (and Katya, too, into the bargain), then I’m happy to lose Oscar if that’s what it costs.

No pics of Carmella in the opening credits yet, but Izzy is still there as well – so check them out again next Monday to see if anything’s changed. Maybe now they’ll wait until the four new faces of Ramsay Street have moved in so the changes to the opening credit sequence is more noticeable (but that’s probably a fair while off, yet - reportedly due to occur "sometime in October").


Monday, September 25, 2006

Australian Idol - Final 10

This post is dedicated with sincere and entirely non-smug condolences to Magical_M for the loss of her favourite Idol, Klancie, this week. Although I’m glad she’s out of the competition, I know it would have stung you, and for that I am not glad.

I’m going to rip through each contestant this week and give my lightning-recap thoughts on their performance. In no particular order:

Damien – Excellent. He has definitely raised himself into the top four in my opinion. “Bad teeth” be damed. Stupid press. Who cares?! It’s about his singing abilities, and he’s fantastic.

Bobby – Worst he’s ever been (and I hope it was the worst he’ll ever be). Was he on drugs or something? He seemed completely distracted and rattled. Hopefully he’s back on form next week.

Klancie – Wasn’t as bad as someone else (see below), but she still needed to go sooner rather than later. If she’d tried to sing anything that wasn’t tweaked to sound like country music, she might have won over more of the nation than just our beloved candidate for Pink-Eye, Ms Magical_M.

Dean – This is the guy who performed the worst. Just bland, bland, bland. I don’t care if he’s hot-to-trot, girls. There are enough pictures of him out there now with his shirt off … store those away if you need them, but don’t keep voting for him when he isn’t as good a performer as the others. It’s embarrassing to everyone; Dean included. An interesting story circulating at the moment was that at the Brownlow ceremony at Crown Casino tonight, Steven Quartermain rushed up to a group of people backstage before the show started (while Idol was airing) and exclaimed in exasperation, “I can’t believe Dean’s in the bottom three!” If true, that’s a very amusing story, and yet I feel sorry for Quarters. He’s a man who I think is an excellent presenter, ‘caller’ of sport, and complete non-meathead (for a sports nut), and yet he has just demonstrated how the uninformed can cast their opinion on a subject matter they know nothing about … and actually give the title to someone completely undeserving. It’s scary.

Lavina – She simply should not have been in the bottom three even once, let alone twice. Probably deserves to win. Her fans should vote for her more often and stop assuming someone else will. (I’m not gonna, though.)

Mutto – He was unwell, yes, but it really hampered his performance. I hope he’s fit and healthy again next week.

Chris – Just not exciting enough. Lift your game, man. He takes criticism slightly better than his sulky brother, though.

Ricky – Very good. He continues to be good despite M_M’s elusive reference to his prior indiscretion (which I don’t know anything about).

Jessica – Continues to rise to the challenge and do exceptionally well. Also in the top few performers. I’ve done an 'about-face' on her (metaphorically) and I’m happy to admit it … because it’s only happened since she raised the bar and hit it out of the park and other such clichés.

Lisa – Crap, crap, crap, awful, awful, awful, boring, boring, boring, snore, snore, snore, eliminate, eliminate, eliminate.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Big Blogger - Return To The House

[Theme music is heard: "Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, DUM!"]

Mike: [Voice over] Welcome to Big Blogger! Please welcome your host, Feral Killmen!

[The audience cheers so loudly, a lung flies into air and lands on the stage. No one claims it, though.]

Feral: Thank you Mike, hello everybody!

Audience: HELLO, FERAL!

Feral: Hello and welcome to Big Blogger’s SUPER-MEGA-UBER-SUPREMO-TWIST!! That’s right, tonight we’re sending one of our already-evicted Housemates back into the House!

[Audience screams and screams and screams in excitement.]

Feral: You read me correctly; this has never been done before, and it will probably never be done again – certainly not on our show – so you’ve come to the right place for twists and turns galore! We’ve gathered all twelve of our evicted Housemates on the stage behind this curtain [the camera widens to show a giant curtain filling up most of the stage], and we’re going to reveal them in a moment for a brief chat. After we’ve caught up with each of them, I’ll be drawing one of their names out of a hat, and that former Housemate will be re-joining the other contestants inside the House at the end of the show!

[The audience cheers in delight as if this is somehow good news.]

Feral: That’s to keep things fair and random, so don’t even try voting for them or anything.

[The audience is caught trying to vote on their mobile phones. They frown in disappointment and put their phones away.]

Feral: And of course the best thing about all of this is that we haven’t told any of this groundbreaking news to the Housemates who are still in the House – so you can just imagine their reactions when one of the people they nominated and saw being evicted from the House gets thrown back in their midst later this evening!

[The audience laughs. Oh yes, they know only too well how much fun the Housemates’ reactions will be to watch. Hoho.]

Feral: Okay, so without further ado, let’s reveal our former Housemates and say hello! For some of them it’s been quite a while since we’ve spoken. Ninja! Pull back the curtain!

[Audience goes crazy as a Ninja appears at the other end of the curtain and runs towards Feral, bringing the curtain with him. A three-level tiered grandstand is set up behind it, and the evicted Housemates are seated on it, four to a row. As he runs across the length of the stage, the Ninja calls out in his native mating cry, obviously hoping to pick up after the show.]

Ninja: Aiiiiiiiiyayayayayayayabbadabbdoooooo!

[After fully-revealing the former Housemates on their miniature grandstand, the Ninja lets go of the curtain and continues running until he has disappeared into the wings. An almighty crash is heard off-stage, and everyone looks that way and flinches dramatically. A hubcap slowly rolls across the length of the stage, followed – inexplicably – by a tumbleweed.]

Feral: Whoa, that guy’s gotta get off the meds. Anyway, here they are, ladies and gentlemen! Your former Big Blogger Housemates!

[Audience goes even more crazy than before.]

Feral: Let’s go through them in order of eviction … so, first up, we have No Dramas.

[You thought the audience went crazy a second ago? Think again, punk.]

No Dramas: Hi Feral! Long time no see!

Feral: That’s right, welcome back to the Big Blogger stage!

No Dramas: Thank you!

Feral: So tell me, what have you been doing?

No Dramas: Well, since being evicted, lots have people have come up to me on the streets and asked if I’m that girl from Big Blogger.

Feral: Wow! They knew you by name?

No Dramas: No, they thought I was LittleFaerieGirl. [Everyone but No Dramas laughs.] But it was still cool to be recognised.

Feral: I’m sure it was.

No Drama: Kinda recognised …

Feral: Sure. [There is an awkward pause.] Well, our second evictee was a quiet man, about whom we still know very little – mainly because he still has not completed his frickin’ Big Blogger Questionnaire. I speak, of course, of John Surname.

[Audience goes fruity for John Surname.]

John Surname: Hey there, Feral.

Feral: Hi John Surname. I hear you’ve been quite busy since you left the Big Blogger House.

John Surname: That’s right, I wrote, directed and edited a short film.

Feral: Fantastic! What’s it about?

John Surname: It’s all about my feelings of living the Big Blogger experience. It’s called Business Is Business.

Feral: So where can our readers see this film?

John Surname: [Pause while he looks at her incredulously] What are you; kidding? I just gave you the link to it! Have you been drinking?

Feral: Oh, I see. I missed that somehow. Well, I look forward to checking it out and being impressed by how this whole online-reality-TV-show chapter of your life has impacted you.

John Surname: Sure, whatever.

Feral: Okay, our third evictee led a secret double-life for the first week he was in the House – and when his relationship with MelbourneGirl was revealed, it totally failed to rock the House to its very foundations! Please welcome Clokeeeey!

[Audience does its thing for Clokeeeey.]

Clokeeeey: Hello, Feral. Hi everyone! [He waves at the audience.]

Feral: I’m sure everyone’s dying to know, Clokeeeey … how have you been coping on the outside, watching your fiancée MelbourneGirl inside the House?

Clokeeeey: It’s been great! I’ve been excited to see her whenever I’ve wanted to, and the ability to just turn her off if I want, or hit the mute button is a novelty I could get very used to!

[The men in the audience laugh knowingly, while the women react scornfully; MG’s clearly not going to like this!]

Feral: Whoa, okay. Moving on … Our fourth evictee has actually been able to carry on a sort of life inside the House – despite him not having anything to do with it himself – thanks to Tyson’s decision to use this person’s name in his farewell message as each Housemate got evicted. I speak, of course, of Javatari!

[Audience claps for Javatari, who waves at them respectfully.]

Javatari: Greetings once again, Feral.

Feral: Well, I have to ask you; how did you feel about Tyson using your name in vain for so many weeks in a row?

Javatari: I found it quite complimentary, actually. Clearly he has been harbouring feelings for me that even he did not realise he had. [We see a quick shot of Tyson looking wide-eyed with shock.]

Feral: I’m not sure if that was it, actually …

Javatari: [Completely deadpan] I was but kidding, Feral. Could you not tell?

[There is a pause. Clearly the answer is no. Clearly the answer from anyone would have been no. “Master of Mayhem”, Javatari is not.]

Feral: Nice work, then. Um. Right. Let’s speak to the first former Housemate on the next row … LittleFaerieGirl!

[Audience whoops for joy.]

LittleFaerieGirl: Hey there.

Feral: So what have you been up to since leaving the Big Blogger House?

LittleFaerieGirl: Well, it’s been fantastic! The best fun I’ve ever had in my life! A couple of us started up our own share house, and we’ve just been having the best fun as roomies! We call the house the “We All Rule So Suck A Fart Everybody Else” house. Or just “WARSSAFEE” for short.

Feral: That sounds … er … remarkable! So who’s living in the WARSSAFEE house?

LittleFaerieGirl: Me and Dxxxx and Audrey & The Bad Apples and Tammiodo.

Feral: How lovely! Well tell me, Audrey & The Bad Apples, how is this new living arrangement working out for you?

Audrey & The Bad Apples: Well, … [Audience nearly misses its cue, but jumps in at the last second and cheers for Audrey & The Bad Apples.] … thanks. I’m really enjoying it. It’s just us girls, so there’s no fighting or backstabbing or bitching or anything. It’s like heaven!

Feral: Right. Because that’s what a group of girls is known for. Not bitching.

Audrey & The Bad Apples: [Looking at Feral askance] Aren’t you a Women’s Libber?

Feral: Ahem. Who’s next in line? Ah, it’s Dxxxx.

[Audience goes nutso for Dxxxx. She’s their favourite women with four Xs in her name.]

Dxxxx: Hi Feral! How you going?

Feral: I’m well, thank you. So how has your life changed since entering the Big Blogger House?

Dxxxx: Well, things have been moving a lot faster for me, that’s for sure! Being on the show was just phenomenal, and ever since the girls let me move in to the WARSSAFEE house, my life’s just been one long party.

Feral: That sounds like fun!

Dxxxx: Yeah, but I dread what the hangover’s gonna be like!

Feral: Good point. What goes up, etc.

Dxxxx: [Confused] “What goes up”? Are you asking me what goes up? I dunno; … elevators?

[Feral is unsure whether or not Dxxxx is serious, so she decides to ignore her altogether and move on.]

Feral: And now to the fourth of our new WARSSAFEE housemates, Tammiodo.

[Everyone in the audience lights a candle for Tammiodo and waves it over their heads.]

Tammiodo: I'm so excited! When I was evicted, I basically predicted that this might happen! I hope that means it's me who gets to go back inside!

Feral: Well, don't get too expectant. Nothing's been decided yet. Anyway, we read where you predicted this twist, so we had to pretend that it was the furthest thing from our minds. Because it was all mapped out at the start of the season, and we didn't want you spoiling things for us by blabbing your ideas out there to the rest of the world.

Tammiodo: [Sheepish] Oh. Sorry. [There is an awkward pause, during which Tammiodo clearly feels like she's been reprimanded by an angry school teacher. But it passes when Feral smiles again and beams happy thoughts at her.]

Feral: No problem. It was either pretend it was the furthest thing from our minds or knee-cap you. We put it to a vote but I was over-ruled, ... and here we are.

[The audience laughs, but they're not sure if Feral should be under psychiatric observation. Surely it wouldn't hurt ...]

Feral: Anyway, tell me this, Tammiodo: What was it like being the last in a long line of girls to get evicted from the Big Blogger House?

Tammiodo: Well, at first I didn’t think much about it, but then when someone brought it to my attention afterwards, I wondered if maybe the Australian reading public was being sexist. But the next three people to get evicted after me were all male, so I guess that wasn’t it.

Feral: Good observation! And that brings us neatly to Tyson.

[Audience slaps each other on the back in true ‘blokey’ fashion.]

Tyson: Hi, wassup?

Dxxxx: Elevators!

[The audience laughs, but Dxxxx doesn’t understand any of this anymore.]

Feral: You haven’t been out of the House for very long yet, so what’s the strangest thing you’ve discovered since being evicted?

Tyson: Definitely all the changes in the news and stuff. Droughts, wars, famines, and so on. The fact that Yasmin’s Getting Married didn’t seem to last very long. And John Howard is still Prime Minister, which is probably the thing that surprised me the most.

Feral: You were only in there seven weeks.

Tyson: Really? Gee, it felt like a lot longer …

Feral: And that brings us to our final three former Housemates, starting with evictee number ten, TOBYtoby.

[Audience hoots and hollers for TOBYtoby.]

Feral: How goes it, Tobes?

TOBYtoby: Pretty good, pretty good.

Feral: Tell me the single most amazing thing that’s happened to you in the very short time you’ve been out of the House.

TOBYtoby: Definitely learning that Steve Irwin, Peter Brock and that Sally what’s-her-name, James Brayshaw’s sister, had actually died. I didn’t see that coming.

Feral: No? Well, the joke’s on you!! They’re really dead! Ha!! [After a second, she realises how poor her response actually is, and immediately clears her throat.] Ahem. Sorry about that.

TOBYtoby: No problem.

Feral: Next we have everyone’s favourite knob-gobbler …

RichardWatts: HEY!!

Feral: [Not letting him break her stride] … RichardWatts!

[The audience gives RichardWatts three cheers, for he’s a jolly good fellow.]

Feral: If you could have one wish, RichardWatts, would it be that you could re-enter the House tonight?

RichardWatts: [Angry] No, it’d be that everyone stopped talking about my sexuality like it was some kind of ‘angle’ or the only dimension to my character!

Feral: Sure, whatever. And last but certainly least, it’s the “sut from the sluburbs”, Steph!

[Everyone in the audience throws Steph their phone number on a small piece of paper.]

Steph: Hi everyone. Oooh, thanks. I’ll pick those up later.

Feral: Well, I’m sure it’s been a real whirlwind of a few days for you, Steph, so tell me: What would you give to go back inside the House?

Steph: I was thinking about this just this morning, when you told me you were going to ask me that question tonight, and I’ve got to say that I don’t think I want to go back into the House.

Feral: [Surprised] Really?!?

Steph: Yeah, it’s kind of like a madhouse in there. Plus, everyone’s racking up so many fines that we don’t even know how much prize money’s left. It’s just not worth all the hassle.

Feral: Oh. Okay. Well, I guess that’ll teach me for giving the dumb blonde an extra twelve hours to prepare her answer!

Steph: [Missing the insult] Sure will! [She is beaming. She thinks Feral just complimented her intelligence … which, by definition, I guess she did.]

Feral: Okay, well that’s all of them, folks. [To the former Housemates:] Thank you all for coming back tonight and waiting to see which of you will be selected to return to the House. What’s going to happen now is I’m gonna check that you’re aware of what this involves, and then I’m literally going to draw a name out of a hat and that will determine which of you rejoins the competition.

[The former Housemates nod politely.]

Feral: Here are the rules: The former Housemate whose name I draw out of the hat will be sent straight back into the House this evening. That former Housemate will no longer be a ‘former Housemate’. They will instead be referred to simply as ‘a Housemate’ once again. They will have all the rights and privileges of being a Housemate bestowed upon them once again. There will be no grace period. The former Housemate who returns to the House tonight will be eligible for nominations and eviction this coming Wednesday, and they will also be required to place nomination points against their fellow Housemates for the eviction this coming Wednesday. The former Housemates who returns to the House tonight is still eligible to win Big Blogger, and the remaining prize money. You may not discuss anything that has happened outside the House since Big Blogger started. You are subject to the same confidentiality rules by which Intruders are bound. You have all packed your suitcases again, so as soon as a name is called out, that former Housemate will immediately grab their bag, head off stage, and be escorted back into the Big Blogger House without delay. Are there any questions?

[The former Housemates shake their heads. Almost all of them look excited.]

Feral: Okay. Well, then … without further ado, it’s time to read out someone’s name and throw them back into the melting pot of this amazing experiment! Can I have the hat of names, please!

[A Ninja hobbles out on to stage on a pair of crutches. He has a neck brace on, and various limbs in plaster. Between his teeth he is biting the brim of an upside-down hat, filled with twelve little pieces of paper. On each piece is written the name of a different former Housemate. I’m sure you know the drill.]

Feral: [Taking the hat] Thank you. [She turns to face the former Housemates.] Are you ready?

Former Housemates: Yes / sure / as ready as we’ll ever be / yep / yes Feral / etc.

Feral: Okay, drum roll, please. [A drum roll starts and plays underneath her softly, building the tension of the moment. Whose life is about to change? This is a very momentous occasion. Feral uses one hand to lift the hat above her head, then reaches her other hand inside the hat and removes one folded piece of paper. She puts the hat down, opens the piece of paper, and reads it to herself. She looks up and smiles at all twelve former Housemates. She is giving nothing away.] This is fun!

[The audience laughs weakly at the way she’s drawing out the tension. It’s unbearable, and they don’t really appreciate it. But they’re scared of her temper, so they play nice.]

Feral: The former Housemate – who is now simply a ‘Housemate’ again, and able to play on for the remaining prize money – is … [the camera pans across all twelve expectant faces of the former Housemates] … Javatari!

[The drum roll stops and the band suddenly plays a hearty piece of triumphant music as streamers fly through the air, canons go off, balloons are released from the ceiling, and the audience screams for joy for all mankind.]

Javatari: I’m back, baby. [He clicks his fingers and disappears from the top row of the grandstand, re-appearing on the stage next to Feral in a small puff of smoke. The audience gasps and the music finishes so Feral can talk to him.]

Feral: Congratulations, Javatari. How does it feel to be re-entering the House?

Javatari: It feels great. I always knew I was destined for greater things, and being evicted when I was just didn’t feel right.

Feral: Well, your Big Blogger journey isn’t over yet. You get to jump back on board this roller-coaster ride just as it starts to wind down!

Javatari: [To the other former Housemates] Suck a fart indeed.

Feral: So you realise you can’t mention the remaining prize money or how much time there is left of Big Blogger to the other Housemates once you’re back in there?

Javatari: Sure. I can manage that.

Feral: Well, grab your bag and we’ll send you off to enter the House right now.

Javatari: Thank you, Feral. [He turns to the audience.] Thank you, everyone. [He turns to the former Housemates.] See you later, suckers.

Tyson: Bye, Javatari. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

Javatari: Oh, stick it. [He turns, waves once more to the audience – an action that releases a lot of golden glitter from somewhere up his sleeve – and exits the stage to the waiting arms of the injured Ninja.]

Feral: Well, while Javatari’s being escorted down to the House, I have just enough time to thank our other former Housemates and explain what happens on Big Blogger from here. [She turns to face the eleven evictees on the grandstand.] First, my thanks to each of you for coming back on the show tonight. It was great to see you, and we look forward to catching up with each of you again in the finale! Take care! [She pulls a lever next to her, and the grandstand – complete with eleven startled former Housemates – falls through a trapdoor in the stage floor, landing with a giant splash in the underground sewers of InYourDreamWorld. Feral turns calmly back to the camera.] And now let me tell you what’s going to happen next on Big Blogger. Next Wednesday we’ll have our next normal eviction, and as I explained to Javatari, he’s just as eligible for nomination and eviction as anyone else in the House is. So someone will be evicted next Wednesday, but that will still leave us with eight Housemates, and only one week left to determine our winner! So how will it all unfold? Well, in another first for Big Blogger, the week following Wednesday’s normal eviction will feature an eviction a day! That’s right, starting on the Friday, we’re going to have mini-episode each evening and evict a new Housemate each night until we’re left with the final three Housemates for the series finale the following Wednesday! That means the Big Blogger episodes for the rest of the series are as follows:

[Feral points to a large TV screen which has been lowered down behind her, showing a detailed summary of the remaining BB episodes in flowchart format.]

Feral: Next Wednesday will be a normal eviction. Thursday will be our day off for the network’s TGYH post. Friday will see a surprise eviction, Saturday will see a surprise eviction. Sunday will see a surprise eviction. Monday will be another day off for the network’s Australian Idol post. Tuesday will see a surprise eviction. Wednesday will see our last surprise eviction. Thursday will be our final day off for the network’s next TGYH post. And then Friday will be the finale episode, where the winner and the two runners-up will be announced. After that, there will be no more Big Blogger.

[There is a quick shot of the audience, none of whom appear to have followed that.]

Feral: [Sensing everyone’s confusion] Ah, just keep a close eye on the Big Blogger index in the sidebar to the right. That’s the only way to know if there’s been a recent addition to the episode list. [She places her finger to her ear, but not in an offensive way.] And now, Big Blogger is telling me that Javatari is about to re-enter the House. Let’s pop down there straight away to watch the fall-out it causes with the other Housemates!

[Cut to the House, where the Housemates are lying on their beds in the bedroom, talking about nothing in particular.]

Magical_M: I want to know how you keep avoiding nominations, MG.

MelbourneGirl: So do I! I’d love to know what I’m doing right so I can keep doing it!

Magical_M: I reckon it’s because you keep making everyone cups of tea.

MelbourneGirl: Cups of … ?? That must be the single most <BEEP>in’ stupid theory I’ve ever heard!

Magical_M: Steady on! It’s just a theory! …

Big Blogger: This is Big Blogger. Housemates. Big Blogger has a surprise for you. [The Housemates get excited.] You may not like it. [They deflate.] Or you may. [They get excited again.] But you probably won’t. [They deflate again.] I’m betting you won’t. [They deflate even more.] In fact, I expect some tears. [They continue to deflate. Gav falls onto the floor.] Big Blogger has decided to reinvigorate the declining Housemate numbers.

[Elaine and Sublime-ation look at each other in confusion. Pomgirl is frowning at the ceiling.]

Big Blogger: Housemates. Prepare to welcome back into your midst … one of your former Housemates.

[The Housemates jump to their feet and squeal in excitement.]

Big Blogger: Former Housemate, you may enter the House now.

[The Housemates run, still squealing, from the bedroom to the lounge. The Diary Room door opens and they stand in silence for a moment, watching the empty doorway. The suspenders are killing me.]

Sublime-ation: Please be Tyson, please be Tyson, please be Tyson!

MelbourneGirl: Please be Clokeeeey, please be Clokeeeey, please be Clokeeeey!

Pomgirl: Please be TOBYtoby, please be TOBYtoby, please be TOBYtoby!

Mars: Please have chocolate, please have chocolate, please have chocolate!

[Javatari walks calmly into the room, wraps his cape around his shoulders, and announces in a commanding voice:]

Javatari: Shazam! I have returned.

Magical: [Delighted] Javatari! Ooooh! [She runs up and hugs him.]

[The Housemates surround Javatari and both congratulate and welcome him into the House. They bombard him with questions for a moment that he cannot answer.]

Big Blogger: Housemates. [They all fall silent.] Javatari is a fellow Housemate once again. He is not a ‘former Housemate’, and he will have no grace period. For this week’s aviction, he is eligible for nomination, and he is required to cast votes against two of you. Remember: Each of you is still able to walk away with the Big Blogger prize money. And that now includes Javatari. That is all.

[In the silence that follows, the Housemates size up their new competition. Javatari glows with his newfound feelings of superiority.]

Javatari: I feel the power welling up within me.

Enny: Are you going to perform a magic trick?

Javatari: Something like that. [He extends his left hand towards her.] Here, pull my finger.

[Cut back to Feral on the stage. The audience is crying in happiness. They can’t believe the twists and turns this show has brought them. They really, really hope someone gets an award for this.]

Feral: Well, that looks set to explode, if you’ll pardon the pun.

[The audience stares at her, severely unamused. There’s always one.]

Feral: Ahem. Okay. Well, as I said before, there’s only two and a bit weeks left of this show, so make sure you don’t miss a minute of it. I’ll see you on Wednesday, for our final weekly wrap-up and ‘normal’ eviction. I’m Feral Killmen, and you’re reading Big Blogger … where we have so much spare time on our hands, that now we’re throwing people back into the House! Good night!

[Audience moons the camera.]

Mike: [Voice over] I can’t believe they keep stringing this show out for more and more episodes! Hasn’t Big Blogger’s Executive Producer got a new baby on the way?!! Ah well, whatever. It’s his funeral. Remember, you need to vote for the House you want to imagine; not the House you’d want to live in. I’m Mike Goldentonsils.

[Theme music: "Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da, DUM!"]

Mike: [Voice over] Big Blogger is brought to you by InYourDreamsWorld; the home of Big Blogger.

* * *
